treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions; SUBJECT: ANTIGEN TRANSFER FACTOR FOR INFECTION A review from the Eclectic Medicine International (EMI) staff at http://www.holisticcancersolutions.com/ "Transfer Factor (TF) enables the recipient's immune system to deal
with pathogens it couldn't successfully fight by itself. Although TF is just in the process of emerging as a powerful modality, the concept is certainly not new. There is more than 50 years of intensive research backing it up, with hundreds, if not thousands of papers written about it. TF is disease specific, which means that there are specific Transfer
Factors targeting single diseases, like hepatitis, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus,
etc. For the alternative/holistic physician, TF opens the door to a modality that deals effectively with a wide range of serious and "untreatable" conditions. The list of targeted diseases will grow monthly, as the company will release new, disease specific extracts. What is the history of Transfer Factors (TF)? H.S. Lawrence discovered Transfer Factors in 1949. It was shown that specific cellular immunity could be transferred from one immunized individual donor, to a non-immunized recipient. Transfer Factor is present in the leukocytes, i.e. the white cells of the blood. Its small molecular weight (less than 10,000 DA) allows its extraction by dialysis, a procedure that eliminates all molecules larger than 10,000 DA. This method of preparation totally excludes not only the presence of viral particles, but also other large molecules, which could be immunogenic for the organism and create allergic reactions. Therefore, properly manufactured Transfer Factors are totally safe and it never produces adverse side effects. Several studies in the last 30 years have confirmed the original observations and established that dialysates from immune Iymphocytes may transfer information to naive, i.e. non- immune Iymphocytes, not only in the test tube but also when administered to laboratory animals or to patients. This information concerns only cellmediated immunity but not humoral immunity (i.e. antibody production). Cell-mediated immunity plays a key role in the control of infectious
and autoimmune diseases, as well as cancer. Thus, Transfer Factors have
been utilized for the treatment of diseases caused by viruses, parasites,
fungi and The mechanisms of action of Transfer Factors at the molecular level remain largely unknown. Each batch of Transfer Factor should be stringently tested for presence, activity, and potency. Indeed, it is now established that the leukocyte dialysates contain several
immuno-active components or Iymphokines, some being antigen-specific and
others antigen-non-specific. It seems that they exert their specific or Thus, for each sub-population there is a corresponding antigen-specific
and probably also a non- specific factor. This is extremely important
since, by exercising a balancing effect on the different sub-populations,
transfer factor Furthermore, by selecting the lymphocytes from which Transfer Factors
are obtained, one can enrich the final preparation with molecules stimulating
the corresponding lymphocyte subpopulation of the patient, e.g. suppressor, In this way, Transfer Factors may be used to decrease over-reactivity of the immune system as in the case of allergies and autoimmune disorders, as well as to increase or re-establish impaired immunity for combating existing infections, or transfer new immunological information to prevent new infections in exposed individuals. In other words, it could also be used for prophylaxis, i.e. as a vaccine addressing the cell-mediated immunity. See Medline articles by authors including but not limited to: H. Fudenberg, C. Kirkpatrick, G. Paddock, G. Pizza, D. Viza, G. Wilson IMMUNE INDUCERS Five Decades of Research and Testing Elevates the body's own immune system to specific antigens Transfers distinct cell-mediated immunity to a deficient recipient Remarkable treatment results have been achieved for viral, fungal and
parasitic infections; including HIV and AIDS, Epstein~Barr virus, Herpes,
Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Autism, ALS (Lou Gerhig's Disease) No known side effects: Non-toxic A HISTORY OF HOPE - Long before many of today's immunodeficient patients were born, a significant discovery was made in 1949 by Dr. H.S. Lawrence. His discovery, now known worldwide as transfer factor (TF), spawned progressive, documented research which has had a fundamental impact on the effective treatments of patients in the 1990's. Dr. Lawrence uncovered a vital component in the immunological maze --
the successful transfer of antigen-specific agents from a sensitized donor
to an unsensitized recipient. In simpler terms, one person's immune response
to a Other researchers, such as W. S. Jeter, came to similar conclusions about TF's capabilities in 1954. Healthy donor guinea pigs under certain circumstances, successfully transferred contact hypersensitivity to common substances, like poison ivy, to immune-deficient recipient animals. While their contemporaries argued that prior to exposure to an antigen was likely in the recipients, Dr. Lawrence and Mr. Pappenheimer's further research brought consistent, heightened immune responses in human TF recipients. These findings were documented through extensive research done in 1960 by Rapaport et al. Transfer factor acts as a "tailored" treatment by communicating the exact, immunological information from the donor to the recipient regarding a single, or as many as thousands of specific antigens. In 1970, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg et al. began using TF treatment on patients
suffering from Wiscott- Aldrich Syndrome. His scope later widened to include
candidiasis, several viral-type cancers as well as fungal and parasitic Research efforts subsided somewhat during the 1970's, largely due to the high price tag coupled with a focus on mostly rare viruses. Even so, immunologists remained very interested in TF's potential, and research slowly but surely moved forward. Over the next decade, there were continuing revelations about the nature
and targeted effectiveness of TF. For example, tests were conducted in
1981 by Dr. Kahn et al. Seventeen patients with Herpes were given TF injections
at intervals of one week to 3 months, with noteworthy results. Sixteen
of the seventeen patients involved in the study showed definite decreases
in recurrence, with eight of those treated being completely free of the
disease. The Epstein-Barr virus, in combination with a cytomegalo virus (CMV)
infection, was treated in a four year old child who had suffered for two
years with recurring fevers, rashes, abdominal pain and other nagging
symptoms. He Additional case studies revealed transfer factor's effectiveness in treating
candidiasis, crypeosporosis and Burkitt's Iymphoma. Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D., has greatly broadened TF research and treatment efforts. To date, he is the only one to have successfully treated subsets of Alzheimer's Disease, Autism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and subsets of ALS (Lou Gerhig's Disease). Similar work by others points to Myasthenia Gravis and Multiple Sclerosis as having an immunological base which can be altered or reversed through large amounts of TF. Infected patients who are tracked up to ten years show positive, residual TF effects. A large number of peer-reviewed scientific papers testified to these facts as well as TF's consistent track record of partially or completely reversing specific viral infections. Immunological researchers continue to explore new treatment applications for TF. Transfer Factors clearly belong to the category of primary, frontline
medications against chronic viral/bacterial infections, and against autoimmune
diseases that are caused by such infections. As an anti-cancer agent,
TF still has to prove its efficacy; this may happen in the near future.
Dianne Jacobs Thompson Est. 2003 Also http://legaljustice4john.com The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?" DISCLAIMER:
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