treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
Journal Pages 1 &
(Salve formulas below)
Reliable sources of cancer salves: http://www.altcancer.com/
(the links to their ordering sites are on this page, depending on where
you live) the most famous one--Cancema Cancer Salves should not be a "stand-alone" treatment First of all, CANCER SALVES--of which there are many more kinds than listed here--can remove tumors and cancer, even when metasticized, in most people (nothing is 100%) but removing cancer is only part of the job. You also need to change the internal environment that allowed the cancer to develop in the first place, which can involve altering one's mental state (stress reduction, negativity) and healing emotional trauma, grief, shock, anger (German New Medicine) as well as the physical body chemistry which responds both to mental states and environmental conditions. True healing involves a learning process as well as a treatment process. The best doctors I came across in the past knew nothing of salve treatment, but a great deal about the healing process from the inside out: 2008--The
most successful healing PROGRAM
I've personally ever seen or heard of evolved from a famous old naturopath,
Dr. O. G. Carroll, ND, of Spokane, Washington, USA, who in turn had studied
with one of the founders of American naturopathy and had been influenced
by other masters. Those who came after him were our doctors--Drs. Leo
Scott and Harold Dick, and Dr. Dick's students,
Dr. Letitia Dick-Watrous and Dr. Jared Zeff, who are training the present
generation using Dr. Carroll's innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment:
the Carroll Food Test--a complex chemical analysis of digestive
enzyme deficiencies most of us have without knowing it, which involves
VOLL-related testing of the electro-magnetic reaction of blood to different
foods or food combinations, the identification of primary mineral
salt deficiency with the same test (unknown to conventional medicine),
iridology and reflexology for further diagnostic work, the balancing
of the endocrine system with glandular protomorphogens, careful
use of herbal medicine combinations to help digestion, elimination,
and congestion, Ayurvedic medicines and other supplements, specialized
nutritional counseling which includes "7 raw foods per
day" to provide the nutrients necessary to repair or replace
diseased cells, and the other "big guns" in treatment: Constitutional
Hydrotherapy, which is a combination of alternating heat and cold
coupled with "electrotherapy" to stimulate blood circulation,
digestion, waste removal and general immune function and vital organ activity,
which normally triggers a spontaneous detoxification event for
the elimination of stored-up poisons and waste products--the "sludge"
that contributes to cell conversion to disease states, and/or the use
of homeopathy and other medicines, and other treatments such
as acupuncture (Dr. Zeff). Chosing the Best Treatment PRODUCT (to support the salve process) --How Do You Know What's Right For You? http://alternativecancer.us The AlternativeCancer.US site has a VOLL testing kit with samples of several of the best-known cancer treatment products (some of which have not yet been added to the cancer treatment index page which is still under construction) that will indicate which products are most compatible with your body chemistry. It registers electro-magnetic responses to the test samples. To learn more about VOLL testing, that site has some information, and the following has more: http://www.pacifichealthcenter.com/updates/7.asp Some of the following information involves complete healing protocols, and others are specific products. A "product" should be used in conjunction with a healing program which includes learning which foods and supplements are right for you, stress reduction, improving blood circulation and digestion, correcting endocrine (glandular) imbalances and mineral deficiencies with whole food products when possible (such as seawater at http://oceanplasma.com), raw, enzyme-rich foods, enzyme supplements--particularly pancreatic enzymes and digestive enzymes, and detoxification, both systemic and the liver in particular. Most cancers involve pancreatic enzyme deficiency and liver congestion and malfuction. Most people are toxic with environmental poisons, metabolic wastes, heavy metals, etc., have an acidic pH that needs to be alkalized, and are deficient in Omega 3 oils such as those from fish, which are the best source, or if these hard-to-digest oils won't metabolize properly, then substituted with something like flax or flaxseed oil blenderized with a high sulfur protein so it becomes water soluble (the Budwig protocol) although other seed oils can also be used in its place. Bloodroot salve is not a gentle healer. There will most likely be pain and the necessity of "pain management" (drugs), scaring, and the need to do more than one application for aggressive, deep, and possibly metastasized cancers. There is no cancer treatment that is 100% effective on ALL people, but bloodroot has historically been far more effective that any form of conventional cancer treatment today. A medical facility, Dr. Nichols' Escharotic Salve Hospital, treated patients several decades ago and he gave patients an estimate of their recovery chances which ranged from "zero" to "100%". Salves were available in drugstores at the turn of the 20th century, and were known to be highly effective by American Indians and European settlers. In fact, "escharotics" were used by Hippocrates in ages long past. However, the powerful pharmaceutical industry has taken unprecedented steps to destroy any and all natural healing protocols for cancer, forcing legislation to make it illegal for any medical doctor to use anything but conventional "cut, burn, and poison" methods to treat cancer. In fact, Medical doctors in the US have been threatened with the loss of their license and prison for even prescribing pain medication to adults who chose to use this type of treatment for cancer. People volunteering assistance in salve treatment have been threatened with arrest for "practicing medicine without a license". A mother was reportedly arresting for treating her teenaged son with salves and curing his "terminal" cancer. One medical journal reported 4 cases of salve use that supposedly failed. And the alt med nemesis Quackwatch (now in disgrace legally) reported on 3 cases with devastating photos. Unfortunately, they didn't do their homework. Two of the cases were proven fraudulent, and the third photo probably was a salve case, but her picture was taken when the eschar (scab) first fell off leaving a hole in her nose, rather than after it healed up. Photo
Journal Pages 1 &
Dr. Weil: describes
getting a letter from a man in California, praising the ability of the
herb bloodroot to dissolve moles and skin growths, and in one observed
instance, a malignant melanoma. He urged Dr. Weil to order the salve from
someone in Utah who made it up, and to experiment with it. cancerx.org
TumorX salve and a cancer protocol including enzymes,
minerals, and a treatment for cachexia, a CD for treatment advice, books
and other materials. TumorX
Products are Avaliable World Wide Philippine Department of Health Excising news from the Philippine College For The Advancement In Medicine Foundation Inc. During their fourth annual meeting November 13-16, 2005 held at the Subic International Hotel, the Philippine Undersecretary of Health of the Office for Special Concerns, Dr. Jade F. Del Mundo M.D., F.P.B.O., F.P.C.S. ... announced that natural alternative cancer treatments like the TumorX Protocol are welcome to be practiced by qualified practitioners in the Philippines. TumorX Paste has been used in the Philippines since 2002. The first patient who used the TumorX Paste was a lady with an ulcerated breast cancer, she had already used radiation and chemotherapy with no positive results at a local Manila hospital. Dr. Merced decided after reviewing her case, and consulting with peers in the Philippines and around the world, that her patient’s only hope of survival ... was to use an alternative protocol. Dr. Merced successfully use the TumorX Paste Protocol. After numerous applications of the paste the treatment was a complete success! She, the patient is teaching at a prominent college in Manila thanks to the dedicated work of her doctor Fe Jocelyn G. Merced, M.D. To see contact information
and Biographer data on a potential Philippine Doctor click on their name.
(go to the cancerx.org
site for the actual links) Research
and Studies
and Marketing Woodland Botanicals Jeanine M. Davis American
Association For Cancer Research ABSTRACT http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org http://www.cancerx.org/science_of_bloodroot.html The effect of sanguinarine and its antiproliferative and apoptosis nature was investigated and the following found to be true: 1. Sanguinarine stops
cancerous cells rapid growth. Safety of
Sanguinarine The induction of apoptosis by sanguinarine was also especially clear when viewed with confocal microscopy (This microscope allows the observer to visualize objects in a single plane of focus, thereby creating a sharper image). This method identified the necrotic squamous cell carcinoma. Sanguinaria
Will Not Promote Necrosis To Healthy Skin Tissue The DNA cell cycle analysis showed that sanguinarine treatment did not significantly affect the distribution of cells among the different phases of the cell cycle in squamous cell carcinoma. (This is especially important because this proves definitely that sanguinarine will not affect the DNA of cells.) The researchers' work proves that sanguinarine is an effective natural anticancer chemical, and under normal circumstance sanguinarine will not promote damage to healthy tissue. In fact, the safety of the product has been demonstrated with over 400 years of use by professionals and novices alike. Sanguinaria extract, sanguinarine, has been used in many over-the-counter products, including toothpaste (the anti-inflammatory properties in human's to reduce gingival inflammation and supragingival plaque.), mouthwash, cough and cold remedies, and homeopathic preparations for cancer removal. The Search
For Ancient Anticancer Chemicals Continues. The Mechanism At present, only a few agents are known to possess the potential for selective/preferential elimination of cancer cells without affecting the normal cells. The University of
Wisconsin studies provides more definitive evidence that sanguinarine
at micromolar concentrations imparts a cell growth-inhibitory response
in human squamous cell carcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma cells via an
induction of apoptosis. In sharp contrast, normal human epidermal keratinocytes
do not show any evidence of apoptosis, but undergo necrosis on treatment
with higher concentrations of sanguinarine. Chemistry
Behind Sanguinarine's Apoptotic Cell Death Studies have shown that Bcl-2 (i.e an enzyme that degrades DNA during apoptosis, inhibited by A molecule which represses or prevents another molecule from engaging in a reaction by the protein of 343 amino acids carrying a nuclear localization signal.) forms a heterodimer with Bax and might thereby neutralize its proapoptotic effects. In addition, Bcl-2 is also known to prevent the release of caspases. The University of Wisconsin studies have also shown the increase of protein levels of other proapoptotic members of Bcl-2 family, i.e., Bak and Bid, by sanguinarine treatment. Furthermore, sanguinarine treatment of human Carcinoma tissue keratinocytes resulted in increase in the levels of cytochrome c (i.e. a protein which carries electrons that is central to the process of respiration in mitochondria (i.e. a small intracellular structurally discrete component of a cell which is responsible for energy production and the conversion within the cell of nutrients (such as protein molecules) into chemical energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), by reacting the food with oxygen (O2) until the food has completely been degraded into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O.) and caspase. These are important observations as it is known that the Bcl-2 family proteins (i.e. a proto-oncogene, activated by chromosome translocation in human B-cell lymphomas (hence bcl).. Encodes a plasma membrane protein. The gene product inhibits programmed cell death (apoptosis) and is homologous with the spiraling gene.) regulate the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into cytosol. Cytochrome c resides in the inter-membrane space of mitochondria, whereas its cofactors, Apaf-l and procaspase-9, are both cytosolic proteins. The over expression of Bcl-2 has been shown to block cytochrome c release in response to a variety of apoptotic stimuli. On the contrary, the pro-apoptotic members of Bcl-2 family proteins such as Bax, Bak, and Bid promote cytochrome c release from the mitochondria. The execution mechanism of apoptosis is mediated by caspases (cystein-yl aspartate-specific proteinases), which carry out the apoptotic program through a sequential activation cascade of initiator and executioner caspases. Apaf-1 induces activation of initiator caspase-9. Apaf-1 binds caspase-9 via the caspase recruitment domains at their NH2 termini, triggering the formation of a supramolecular complex. When activated, initiator caspase-9 triggers subsequent proteolytic activation of executioner caspase-3, caspase-7, and caspase-8. This whole process results in the cleavage of poly-adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase (i.e. an enzymes that catalyst the synthesis of nucleic acids on preexisting nucleic acid templates, assembling RNA from rib nucleotides or DNA from deoxyribonucleotides.) and subsequent DNA degradation and apoptotic death." Contraindications Bloodroot used internally
should not be administered to unconscious or deeply sedated individuals
or in the event of convulsions, since bloodroot may cause aspiration of
the gastric contents resulting in obstruction of the air passages. http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/67/8/3888 1 Human Cancer Genomic Research, King Fahad National Center for Children's Cancer and Research, 2 Biological and Medical Research, Research Center, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and 3 Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center and Division of Hematology-Oncology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois Requests for reprints: Shahab Uddin, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Cancer, King Fahad National Center for Children's Cancer and Research, MBC#98-16, P.O. Box 3354, Riyadh 11211, Saudi Arabia. Phone: 966-1-205-5169; Fax: 966-1-205-5170; E-mail: Shahab@kfshrc.edu.sa. Primary effusion lymphoma
(PEL) is an incurable, aggressive B-cell malignancy that develops rapid
resistance to conventional chemotherapy. In efforts to identify novel
approaches to block proliferation of PEL cells, we found that sanguinarine,
a natural compound isolated from the root plant Sanguinaria canadendid,
inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in a dose-dependent
manner in several PEL cell lines. Our data show that sanguinarine treatment
of PEL cells results in up-regulation of death receptor 5 (DR5) expression
via generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and causes activation
of caspase-8 and truncation of Bid (tBid). Subsequently, tBid translocates
to the mitochondria causing conformational changes in Bax, leading to
loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and release of cytochrome c to
the cytosol. Sanguinarine-induced release of cytochrome c results in activation
of caspase-9 and caspase-3 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage,
leading to induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis. In addition, we show
that pretreatment of PEL cells with carbobenzoxy-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone,
a universal inhibitor of caspases, abrogates caspase and PARP activation
and prevents cell death induced by sanguinarine. Moreover, treatment of
PEL cells with sanguinarine down-regulates expression of inhibitor of
apoptosis proteins (IAP). Finally, N-acetylcysteine, an inhibitor of ROS,
inhibits sanguinarine-induced generation of ROS, up-regulation of DR5,
Bax conformational changes, activation of caspase-3, and down-regulation
of IAPs. Taken together, our findings suggest that sanguinarine is a potent
inducer of apoptosis of PEL cells via up-regulation of DR5 and raise the
possibility that this agent may be of value in the development of novel
therapeutic approaches for the treatment of PEL. [Cancer Res 2007;67(8):3888–97] Departments of 1 Medicine and 2 Biophysics and Free Radical Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Requests for reprints: Andrey Sorokin, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, CVRC, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53266. Phone: 414-456-4438; Fax: 414-456-6515; E-mail: sorokin@mcw.edu. Expression of cyclooxygenase-2
(Cox-2), an inducible enzyme responsible for the production of prostaglandins
from arachidonic acid, is elevated in human prostate tumor samples. The
aim of this study was to investigate whether expression of Cox-2 is effective
against prostate cancer cell apoptosis triggered by sanguinarine, the
quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloid with antineoplastic properties.
Sanguinarine effectively induced apoptosis in LNCaP human prostate cancer
epithelial cells as assessed by caspase-3 activation assay, Annexin V
staining assay, or by visual analysis for the apoptotic morphology changes.
Sanguinarine-mediated apoptosis was associated with the increase of nitric
oxide (NO) formation in prostate cancer cells as assessed by measurements
of nitrites with Sievers nitric oxide analyzer as well as flow cytometry
analysis using NO fluorescent sensor. Activation of NO synthase (NOS)
activity was crucial for sanguinarine-induced cell death because NOS inhibitor
L-NMMA efficiently protected cells from apoptosis. Adenovirus-mediated
transfer of Cox-2 into LNCaP cells inhibited sanguinarine-induced apoptosis
and prevented an increase in NO production. Surprisingly, NO donors failed
to induce apoptosis in LNCaP cells, suggesting that constitutive NO generation
is not sufficient for triggering apoptosis in these cells. Besides NO
generation, NOS is also capable of producing superoxide radicals. Sanguinarine-induced
production of superoxide radicals, and the addition of MnTBAP, a scavenger
of superoxide radicals, efficiently inhibited sanguinarine-mediated apoptosis.
These results suggest that Cox-2 expression rescues prostate cancer cells
from sanguinarine-induced apoptosis by a mechanism involving inhibition
of NOS activity, and that coadministration of Cox-2 inhibitors with sanguinarine
may be developed as a strategy for the management of prostate cancer.
(Cancer Res 2006; 66(7): 3726-36) Originally published
In Press as doi:10.1074/jbc.M501467200 on March 7, 2005 Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) is a dual specificity phosphatase that is overexpressed in many human tumors and can protect cells from apoptosis caused by DNA-damaging agents or cellular stress. Small molecule inhibitors of MKP-1 have not been reported, in part because of the lack of structural guidance for inhibitor design and definitive assays for MKP-1 inhibition in intact cells. Herein we have exploited a high content chemical complementation assay to analyze a diverse collection of pure natural products for cellular MKP-1 inhibition. Using two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics, we identified sanguinarine, a plant alkaloid with known antibiotic and antitumor activity but no primary cellular target, as a potent and selective inhibitor of MKP-1. Sanguinarine inhibited cellular MKP-1 with an IC50 of 10 µM and showed selectivity for MKP-1 over MKP-3. Sanguinarine also inhibited MKP-1 and the MKP-1 like phosphatase, MKP-L, in vitro with IC50 values of 17.3 and 12.5 µM, respectively, and showed 5–10-fold selectivity for MKP-3 and MKP-1 over VH-1-related phosphatase, Cdc25B2, or protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B. In a human tumor cell line with high MKP-1 levels, sanguinarine caused enhanced ERK and JNK/SAPK phosphorylation. A close congener of sanguinarine, chelerythrine, also inhibited MKP-1 in vitro and in whole cells, and activated ERK and JNK/SAPK. In contrast, sanguinarine analogs lacking the benzophenanthridine scaffold did not inhibit MKP-1 in vitro or in cells nor did they cause ERK or JNK/SAPK phosphorylation. These data illustrate the utility of a chemical complementation assay linked with multiparameter high content cellular screening. Received for publication, February 8, 2005 * This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants CA78039 and CA52995 and the Fiske Drug Discovery Fund. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. § Current address: Cellumen, Inc., 100 Technology Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15219. {ddagger} To whom
correspondence may be addressed: Dept. of Pharmacology, The Hillman Cancer
Center G.27a, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Tel.: 412-623-1216;
Fax: 412-623-1212; E-mail: avogt@pitt.edu. Technically
Speaking Please note the bloodroot
extract was present for 24 hours before testing. 4 And fourth, by using BioEnerGetics Q-10,TM 8 an antioxidant scavenger which stimulates the immune system. Resources 2. 2006 American cancer Society, Inc No. 500606 3. Mol Cancer Ther. 2004;3:933-940 4. Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res, Volume 46, 2005 5. Cancer Res 2006; 66: (7). April 1, 2006 6. Pancreas. 28(4):401-412, May 2004. 7. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 92, No. 4, February 16, 2000 8. National Cancer Institute Questions and Answers About Coenzyme Q10 9. Prostate Cancer Progress Report 2004 National Cancer Institute of Health 10. Sanguinarine: A Novel Agent Against Prostate Cancer. - Annual rept. 16 Jan 2004-15 Jan 2005. 11. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2006, 150(1) 5–12. 12. DOD award number W81XWH-04-100220 TITLE: Sanguinarine: A Novel Agent Against Prostate Cancer Bloodroot
Information: 1. Adhami VM, Aziz
MH, Mukhtar H, Ahmad N. Activation of prodeath Bcl-2
family proteins and mitochondrial apoptosis pathway by sanguinarine in
immortalized human HaCaT keratinocytes. Clin Cancer Res 9
(8): 3176-82, 2003.
Below: A review from the Eclectic Medicine International (EMI) staff at http://www.holisticcancersolutions.com/ ( (A paid membership site--an excellent source of information on little-known treatments) "Escharotic salves and pastes represent a botanical approach to cancer treatment. They are mostly applied topically, but can also be taken internally. The efficacy of a well-prepared cancer salve is 100%. This doesn't mean that it is the appropriate treatment for all cancers, but when applied, it always works. What is this medication, and what does it do? The cancer salve is a paste, made of native American herbs, that is placed on a small spot on the skin, close to a diagnosed or suspected malignancy. The salve will cause the skin to react, but if there is no malignancy, nothing will happen. However, if there is a tumor present within the tissue under the selected spot, the salve forces the body to eject the tumor by bringing it to the surface, until it completely emerges and detaches itself from the skin. The process usually begins by pus-like fluid oozing through the lesion, then within 2-3 weeks the main tumor will emerge, without the need for any interference, and with no danger of metastasis. In some cases the tumor doesn't come out as a solid object, but as thick fluid, or, in the case of prostate cancer, for instance, as a number of small, jelly-like globules. Should the cancer be melanoma, or another type of skin cancer, the salve will eliminate the condition through topical action. Escharotics, as a cancer treatment, have a long history in North American medicine. Even as recently as during the past two decades, thousands of people used this method to get rid of their cancers. We managed to talk to dozens of women who treated themselves with breast cancer, or were helped by an expert in using the salve. One of them is an MD who brought out a tumor from her breast by this method. We were able to find only two NDs on the whole continent who have experience with the salve, and can be consulted on its use. One of them recently published a very well written and instructive book on the subject. For someone to whom escharotic treatment is a completely alien concept, it is difficult to accept that breast cancer can be taken care of within a few weeks, at a cost of less than $100. Of course, if the tumor is very large, or there are other complications, the treatment must be prepared very carefully. It is always important for the person undergoing such treatment to place him/herself under the guidance of a holistic physician who understands the whole procedure. Otherwise the patient may panic as the site opens up. At that stage, running to an oncologist or a doctor who has no idea of what is happening will likely result in totally unnecessary and dangerous surgical intervention. The emerging matter must be kept sterile until it is ready to completely detach itself from the skin. The process may cause some discomfort, mainly an itching or burning sensation that can be controlled by the use of Aqua Argentica, a special Canadian colloidal silver product, sprayed regularly on the site. We strongly encourage alternative doctors to participate in seminars where this remarkable cancer treatment would be explained to them. It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to consult with as many advisors as possible on this matter. There are experts who bring out deep, inoperable tumors from the most unlikely locations within the body by applying the salve topically. It is obvious that this whole field is unexplored, and it is vitally important to build a data bank and share it with everybody. EMI will assist those who are interested in forming a group and attending a workshop with one of the experts. Please keep in mind that almost any cancer, even if sometimes as a last resort, can be treated in this manner. This is not to say that the salve should be regarded as a mono-therapy. It should always be part of an integrated protocol. Having said that, let us state in no uncertain terms: When a woman is diagnosed with a tumor in her breast, before any surgical intervention, even before a biopsy, an expert should be contacted and a treatment with escharotics should be discussed. Chances are that the cancer can be eliminated without danger, at a very modest cost. Inoperable brain tumors were drained through a lesion on the neck with this method, and lung cancer has been successfully treated with the salve. All these positive results do not mean that this therapy is without risk. No one should enter self treatment recklessly, without the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner. Although completely unknown by virtually all physicians, escharotics has a century-old history of medical use. Like so many other natural modalities, it has been suppressed and totally eradicated from standard medical practice. It is one of the greatest tragedies of current medical policy that women, who should have no more difficulty getting rid of a newly diagnosed breast cancer than of a flu or the common cold, are subjected to mutilation, and are dying by the thousands from this condition. At this point the question can be raised, and not without justification: is this whole presentation some elaborate scam? Is it possible that such a dread disease like breast cancer, that claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of women, can be eliminated with a ridiculously simple and cheap method? If this is true, where are the headlines? The announcements? Even the Nobel prize? Well, on this Website (http://www.holisticcancersolutions.com/) we don't discuss political and philosophical issues. Our task is to present solutions, and make these solutions accessible to our readers. Keep in mind that although the cancer salve may appear a little more bizarre than some other treatments, it is not an exception where complete blackout of its efficacy is concerned. Like many other treatment modalities that completely disappeared from the practice of orthodox medicine, the cancer salve, too, was well known among physicians in England and North America." http://www.planetherbs.com/articles/thoughts_on_the_use_of_escharoti.htm Thoughts
on the Use of Escharotic Pastes for the Treatment of Cancer
August 30, 2005 --Michael Tierra While I tend to agree that local surgery and cauterization of basal cell carcinomas (BCC) is often preferable to the use of escharotic salves, this is especially true because of obvious liability issues to anyone involved with the process --- thus practicing in Mexico as Jonathan suggests may be a wiser option (providing someone wants to live there). Due to the generosity of Ingrid Naiman, I have a copy of the medical text, Chemosurgery by Frederic Mohs M.D., edition 1978. I also read in detail the citation offered by Paul Bergner, http://naimh.com/x/web-3/escharotics.pdf , as criticism of the use of escharotic agents. I have also interviewed a number of people including a primary source individual (Clark Bigham) who was financially involved with funding Vipont Pharmaceutical Company, located in Fort Collins, Colorado sometime in the 1960's. The company was specifically formed to research and bring to market a "Black Salve" consisting of sanguinarea, galangal and zinc chloride mixed with distilled water. The salve was and still is widely used in veterinary medicine throughout the Wyoming and Colorado areas. It was, and probably still is, used by individuals on local external cancers. It so happens that Clark lives in Santa Cruz and was a former student of mine. He said he was introduced to the salve by Howard McCreary a 'cowboy' in the region. Together with Howard's investment, they formed Vipont Pharmaceuticals. Their research went as far as their money. They also have a letter from Sloan Kettering, who after their research, stated that their salve was the most effective substance against cancer they had ever seen. They found that a diluted version (5%) of the salve is 100% effective as diluted eye drops for macular degeneration and one type of glaucoma. Because when mixed with toothpaste at a 5% ratio with Tom's toothpaste, it cures gingivitis, it was bought out by Colgate-Palmolive and is presently sold as Viadent toothpaste. Clark's personal formula uses up to 50% zinc Chloride, to the remainder would obviously be bloodroot and galangal. He will dilute it (5 to 10%) for various uses, especially cosmetic uses and uses it straight on moles, warts and such. In over 28 years, he has never seen an adverse reaction. The term anecdote (suggesting that something is unproven) is thrown around so that I think its meaning is often stretched. By definition, one can offer both 'anecdotal' positive as well as 'anecdotal' negative because neither is proven. There's a question and to what degree evidence becomes non-anecdotal. To my way of thinking to say that something is effective based on personal observation, meaning not confirmed by others, is anecdotal, but isn't saying that something is inefective based on personal observation also anecdotal (non confirmed)? Then who, how, under what circumstances and how many people need to witness evidence before it becomes non-anecdotal? I say that the escharotics deserve and are in need of more debate and scientific research. I suspect that there are problems on all sides of the issue. In terms of their proponents, I question the escharotic power of dried bloodroot. I think the exudate, along with the exudates of celandine and the fresh oils of garlic are mildly escharotic, but the dried root, for some reason I've never just added water and topically applied it to see if it is. I've used the tincture topically for the treatment of skin funguses and again think that the fresh herb tincture would be best. So few people who are proponents of escharotics talk about the properties and importance of a 'major' active in the formulation, zinc chloride. In criticism of Mohs (directly reading his book) first published in 1958, gives absolutely no credence or acknowledgement to over a century of use of what is essentially the same paste used by Felter and the Eclectics nearly 60 years previous. He also gives no acknowledgement of Harry Hoxsey's use of essentially the same paste for decades previous up into the 1950's. It is a glaring fact and in my opinion an obvious prejudice among the medical community that Mohs misrepresented on page 3 how he 'happened' to come upon his 'chemosurgery' formula. He does acknowledge that zinc chloride was found as early as the 19th century to be the most "satisfactory" chemical for the paste because it produced the least toxicity and "did not impair the reactivity or healing quality of the tissues beyond the deepest level of fixation." So right off, we have the proponents of the folk application who tacitly seem to deny that the basis of their 'natural' therapy is herbal (based on the use of bloodroot) when a pure chemical zinc chloride is at least responsible for 50% of the activity of the formulation. On the other side, we have Mohs, developing what to this day is regarded as an effective external anti-cancer therapy (we're not talking about minor excrescences and spots on the skin, but large major areas of the eroded cancerous flesh, eye, breast, genitals, back, etc..) and thousands of cases that he, Mohs, personally treated with his method, while giving absolutely no acknowledgment, which I can only conclude is because of political reasons to the popular use of essentially the same paste. Now the above reference paper submitted by Paul Bergner is written by dermatologists at the Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington. There are some problems with this paper which to my mind make it even more suspect and biased against the popular use of the paste and its value. 1. They claim to review the history of escharotics for skin disease and based on Mohs use alone, they claim that the use of "escharotics without surgery has been discredited by allopathic medicine" --- this is at the top of the article and there is no reference. Their conclusion is for the FDA to be given authority to regulate the production and distribution of escharotics and by implication other herbal preparations. --- so there is an agenda here. Later, despite Mohs' use of essentially the same paste, these same individuals claim that "Hoxsey's work has never been accepted as valid (not mentioned is that despite a will to prove otherwise, it has also never been proven to be 'invalid'). The claim that Mohs' method is different only in the fact that it included surgery. This last point is something to consider. I find that scientific manuals such as Mohs are generally poorly written (i.e. failing to impart the highest level of clarity) either deliberately or what is more disgusting to disguise certain elements that they specifically do not want the reader to know. So the research paper states that Mohs only used the salve as part of a "fixed tissue technique" as if everyone reading would understand what this means. Mohs, in his first chapter, does not help to define what he means by "fixation in situ" so I'll venture a surmise that the application of the salve seems to destroy or "fixate" primarily Cancerous lesions, and "did not readily penetrate the keratin layer of the skin." This being the thicker, more impenetrable areas of the skin (similar to the soles of the feet). So healthier skin tissue seems to be more resistant to the topical application of zinc chloride --- this seems to substantiate to some degree the claims of those who popularly use the salve. In fact, Mohs would have to specifically apply a keratolytic chemical, namely dichloracetic acid first in some cases to allow the zinc chloride paste to penetrate. Then, on page 4, Mohs says the most pertinent thing "zinc chloride (with sanguinarea added) did not impair the reactivity or healing qualities of the tissues just beyond the deepest level of fixation. To this property was credited not only the rapid separation of the final layer of fixed tissue, but also the healthy infection-resistant granulation tissues, the rapid epithelization and the minimal scarring that resulted from its use. This lack of damage to surrounding tissues by zinc chloride (my own inclusion is -- including sanguinarea) contrasted with the effect of cauterization of tissues by heat which could cause thermal damage to tissues just beyond the deepest level of actual cauterization." So it seems that Mohs is opting for a chemical burn as opposed to an actual thermal or radiation burn because the chemical burn is more selective specifically to unhealthy cancer cells and causes far less damage to healthy tissue. ---- again this is what is being claimed as a benefit by popular or folk protagonists who use the salve. Another distinction is that Mohs used surgery. Except for the obvious benefit in first debriding a large tumor before applying the paste. It's not clear why else he needed to use it, except that perhaps he simply did not want to wait out the couple of weeks before a complete and distinct eschar would form and by itself, slough off. Consider this, he already admits that the paste fixates the cancerous area of a lesion, that it does not penetrate non-cancerous tissue (which is why he uses zinc chloride over other possible chemicals) and this is based on Mohs' personal treatment and observation of thousands of patients, but after the cancerous lesion is affected and begins to isolate, Mohs cuts it away. He then microscopically examines the area and if continues to apply the paste followed by surgery until there are no signs of cancer. So the difference between the popular recommendation of the salve is they claim that once the eschar is formed, it should be allowed to run to completion and slough off on its own and this optimizes the complete excision of cancer from the site. Here criticism may well be in order, because experience seems to demonstrate that not always is the cancer completely removed after the initial eschar is sloughed off and so amid the success stories with the use of escharotics, there are the negatives of cancer recurrence that are also reported (how many times is this true after conventional chemo or radiation therapy?). Here it seems to be would be a good place for cooperation between the two camps. Selective microscopic analysis and biopsy of the area after the eschar sloughs off, seems a most appropriate use of that technology and would make the entire procedure exponentially that much more effective. The issue of pain: In the past I have assisted a few with escharotics and I might add, without witnessing particularly dazzling results, although I confess that this may well be because of my tendency to err on the side of being conservative. Nor will I sell the paste to anyone who requests it. Healing is a potentially risky business and different ones of us must choose their own personal level of risk and my own would not allow me to go the distance. However regarding pain, I have much knowledge because after applying the paste, pain is to a greater or lesser extent a reality sometime over the course of the first three days. It is very idiosyncratic, for some it is a minor thing somewhat more than an irritation, for others it is excruciating to the point that no herbal pain killers, unless we could be permitted to use our opiates, would be effective. Aspirin and Tylenol, to opiates are a welcome part of therapy. After the initial few days, presumably when the nerve endings have desensitized, pain killers are no longer necessary. Scaring and mutilation: Before damning escharotics as being scaring and mutilating please consider the effect of other heroic measures such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Cancer is a serious disease and its treatment whether conventional or so-called natural is serious and not without consequences. Let's assume, again without the research that I would really like to see, that there are cases where the cancer cells extend beyond expected areas and the salves cause massive disfigurement and scaring. Or even that on some individuals the keratinized areas of the skin or deeper tissues are susceptible to damage by the salve (although most claim it is not and I have never seen it to be), there will be a need for reconstructive surgery for some. Again, one only chooses this technique not because it is risk free, but because it offers the best possible outcome over any other method considered. That is the price that one pays. Some who undergo it, either ill advised or with misleading expectations, understandably may be seriously upset with the outcome, this happens all the time in conventional treatment of cancer, so why should it not be a reality in so-called alternative medicine. The real question is should the potential benefits of escharotic treatment for a wide variety of cancers be not one of the choices a patient can opt for in deciding their best course? If conventional medicine does not make this available and continues to ignore and deny research to an area that even one of their most respected members gave credence to, I believe that escharotic pastes will continue to be available on a 'buyer beware' basis. Our right and freedom to choose, hopefully based on informed understanding, is what is at stake and I don't believe that freedom should legislatively denied. Does this sound a bit familiar regarding other issues of the day? Michael Tierra BLOODROOT
Black Salve --A formula without the
zink chloride, from a site that also sells a cream to help prevent scarring.
Bloodroot tincture for internal use/can be made into a salve, and immune
system stimulants --restore health, don't just remove cancer
http://www.altcancer.com --home of the most famous salve, CANSEMA, and the most experienced salve professionals--read the entire site. The following link is just one of their more dramatic cases. http://www.altcancer.com/rlbanks.htm http://www.leishmaniasis-treatment.info/cerro_azul/jose.htm http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/balofgilblac.html http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/altthrpy.htm#formula OUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WITH BLACK SALVE A family member has used the salve four times starting in 1986. He was an alcoholic (now in recovery, 2007) diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and wanted to try to salve for his diseased liver--a use we had never heard of. The site advised for use when the diseased area is internal and not near the skin is on the groin, just below the belly and above the center of the leg. The first two times were easy—little pain or discomfort except from bandages and tape and skin that became very sensitive. He could feel the salve pulling from several areas in his body, from the liver area, from his tobacco smoke-damaged lungs, from areas where he had been injured, and especially from several areas of former severe infection from vaccine-caused strept A flesh-eating bacterial infection supposedly “cured” with antibiotics, which never healed properly. However, on the 3rd treatment, he became severely ill, couldn’t keep down food or even tap water (we had to get purified water), and he passed black, tarry matter from the bowels. We drove 200 miles to a well-known naturopathic physician who determined that it was just a detoxing reaction. She gave him liver protomorphogens (glandular) medicine to support liver function and detoxification. She was right. The illness passed in a few days, and he felt remarkably better afterwards. That was over three years ago and he is just now feeling the need to do the treatment again—probably due to his continued use of harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol. He does more than the salve treatment to support the healing process. He had “constitutional food intolerances” diagnosed (related to blood type intolerances) by the same naturopathic physician, Dr. Leticia Watrous in Spokane, Washington. (Dr. Joel Wallach, author of best-selling audio tape “ DEAD DOCTORS DON’T LIE” describes how to self-diagnose food allergies in his books-- food allergy testing), and he follows the prescribed diet religiously, as that removes a tremendous source of toxicity and stress to the system. He also follows the general blood type diet suggestions in Dr. D’Adamo’s book “4 diets for 4 blood types.” This has made an extraordinary difference in the family's overall health. Added to that, their diet is primarily raw, except for meat and potatoes, and low carb, which is necessary for improved health in most individuals. At least low in refined carbs, which are dangerous in general. They also take numerous supplements. Vitamins are present in raw foods because they are created in plant life from sunlight and water. However, the commercial soils of the earth have been long depleted of most of the minerals we need for optimum health. One of the most important is calcium, which is made bio-unavailable when heated, such as in the process of pasteurization, which also makes it more acidic, so milk actually strips more calcium from the body’s resources than it provides. One must supplement minerals or die—it’s that simple, unless you happen to live in one of those small pockets of areas in the world far from civilization where the waters are glacier-fed and food organically grown and people live and work to age 120, as our cells are programmed to do when provided with all the building materials for health. A short list of most commonly used supplements is available online—they are laboratory-tested and sold for basically non-profit wholesale prices at: ourhealthcoop.com. Calcium, unless from plant sources like carrots or dark green leafy vegetables, is hard to metabolize and in supplement form may even contribute to deadly arterial plague. A doctor who wrote a book on curing arthritis names calcium supplementation as a necessary part of the treatment, but says it needs certain things to make it bio-available. First—sunlight on the oil-producing areas of the skin for natural vitamin D. No synthetic can possibly replace what sunlight provides. However, he suggests taking a tablespoon of cod liver oil (flavored Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in a little juice) at night. In the morning, a tablespoon of raw, cold-pressed peanut oil (from health food stores). During the day, divide your calcium into 3 or 4 doses, and take it with an acid drink (like citrus fruit juice) to which is added vitamin C crystals or a tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar. (We use lemon juice sweetened with Stevia vegetable sweetener and apple cider vinegar with the "mother", or go right to a honey and vinegar drink.) It is also suggested taking HCL (hydrochloric Acid—stomach/digestive acid) with it, along with pancreatic enzymes and digestive enzymes. But for all of the minerals combined, we use SeaSilver, or something similar like the new "Perfect Food" from Garden of Life, etc. Mainly, get some kind of organically-grown, food-based enzyme rich “SUPER FOOD.” Virtually every health food store in the country carries something referred to as such. They’ll know what you mean immediately. Some other excellent products are “Km,” a potassium-rich drink made with roots, berries, and the like, created and manufactured in Canada. It's available over the internet. It’s one of the few supplements my family has ever used and seen a visible difference. Thick pads of skin on the bottom of one person's feet softened into normal skin, hair got shinier, and nobody had dental carries for several years after using it. I figure if we could actually see changes, that the unseen changes were there, also. You can order this product from distributors online. Minerals occur in ratios to each other. The “big 4” are calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Most people are deficient in some or all of these, along with all the missing trace minerals no longer in the soils that produce our foods. Some people need more calcium in relation to magnesium, or the other way around. The best way to find out for certain what you need or have too much of is to locate some kind of health practitioner (many chiropractors as well as alternative doctors are doing amazing things in the areas of diagnostic work) who can send away a hair sample for mineral analysis. The best-known laboratory in the world of this kind, and its famous doctor/researcher is A.R.L. with Dr. Paul Eck, a pioneer in the field whom most other such diagnostic laboratories and their researchers base their work on. We also take digestive enzymes after eating (HCL before), and PANCREATIC ENZYMES—a deficiency which many healers consider plays a pivotal role in the development of cancer and other diseases, especially colon cancer. Avoid HYDROGENATED OILS at all costs. JUST SAY NO!!!!!! We are a world desperately insufficient in our intake of omega 3 & 6 oils, such as from fish oil and flax seed oil, and these manmade oil forms “trick” the oil-starved body into thinking its the “real” thing. They absorb these atrocities into the cells, which glom them up and destroy the cell’s electrical charge which attracts oxygen into the cell. No oxygen=cell death or cell mutation into cancer. Read the work of Dr. Johanna Budwig for the research and the solutions. Any internet search engine will take you to this shocking, life-saving information. We use pure, natural extra-virgin olive oil for cooking and eating (your heart and vascular system love this), and take fish and flaxseed oil for medicine. The human body must have all 12 cell (tissue) salts which have been long made in homeopathic preparations: Dr. Schussler’s Tissue Salts, found in many health food stores. They come individually, or all 12 in 1, called “BIOPLASMA,” which are healing in themselves. There exists a definitive “Bible” on the subject called “Tissue Salts” or something like that, and it relates all of the symptoms and diseases that can arise from an imbalance or deficiency of any one of these necessary substances. We use natural glandulars as the need has been diagnosed by healing professionals. My husband has needed liver support and so used the liver “protomorphogens”—the part of the glandular cells that heal them and make them work, and when my adrenals crashed, taking down my thyroid with them and affecting virtually every function and organ in my body, instead of going on synthetic thyroid hormone and suppressing or destroying my own remaining thyroid function, or cortisone, which would both shorten and affect the quality of my life, I used the glandulars, cleansing protocols, and a massive healing effort which eventually restored my health. Cancer usually involves poor liver function. One needs to go through cleansing and detoxing procedures, particularly designed to restore liver function, since it is the primary agent of filtering and detoxification in your body. The best information and website I’ve found on essential cleansing/detoxing programs is this: http://www.healthfree.com/health/ For additional cleansing and detoxing, we use ESSIAC tea, now available in most health food stores made up or in loose powdered tea form that you make up yourself. Follow the directions carefully, there are specific steps to take in making the tea, which requires an all-day process. Several other famous teas reportedly have similar properties, such as Pau D’Arco tea. Also, mushroom tea (Kombucha tea, as described in the book “Kombucha” by Gunther W. Frank) , which you brew at home with a Kombucha mushroom or starter kit, has a wealth of nutrients and reported healing properties. This is amazing stuff that tastes like a cross between sparkling cider, vinegar, and cheap wine, and gives most people an energy lift immediately. Enervation is a serious condition of low nerve energy that needs to be remedied for any condition of health to be restored. One simple, natural treatment that has reportedly been used alone successfully as a cancer treatment is the carrot/celery/beet juice mix--raw, fresh vegetables, organically grown if possible. Add selenium, zinc and vitamin E to this mix and you have a healing “elixir.” Whether it’s the calcium, beta-carotene, fresh enzymes, or whatever, these home-juiced vegetables come close to being “miracle” foods. I cheat—the health food store sells powdered carrots and beets which I occasionally substitute, and I admit to going VERY lightly on the beets (they taste gross), but this is the kind of food that makes the best medicine. Parasites: There exists a large body of documented evidence that parasites play a part in some if not most cancers. How about when they find at the dead center of a tumor a bolus of parasites, dead or otherwise, or find that some excrete toxic substances that trigger malignancy in benign tumors. There are many websites devoted to the subject of parasite treatment, particularly those involving the research of scientist DR HULDA CLARK, who is spite of being infamous and controversial, has impeccable research skills. Most parasite cleanses include the use of green walnut hull, wormwood and cloves—the non-irradiated type you purchase elsewhere than your favorite local grocery store. Also, the remedies of the late HANNA KROGER, whose work and medicines continue to be produced at: 7075 Valmont Rd., Boulder CO 80301. ONLINE
TREATMENT DIRECTIONS (for this site and salve)
The Dan Raber site http://cancerx.org has people who advise those who buy the tumorx salves and other products urged to be used with salves, including bloodroot capsules, minerals, the all-important enzymes which should be taken with all cancer treatments, a supplement that corrects the condition leading to cachexia (wasting) caused by the inability to metabolize proteins from food sources and consuming one's own tissues, etc. Here is an excerpt from his home page: Primary Products: TumorX Paste, TumorX Capsules, TumorX Tincture, TumorX ATP (Cachexia), TumorX Pancreatic Enzymes And TumorX Plant Enzymes This is a web site where one can find alternative cancer treatments using anticancer herb ...(Click Here), anticancer enzymes...(Click Here) and nutritional supplements that stop Cachexia Syndrome (Starvation from cancer)...(Click Here). These are used in conjunction to eliminate the cancer from one’s body, to support and rebuild the metabolic processes of the body. TumorX Paste, Formula Apoptosis, and Formula 203X contains the apoptotic and anti-proliferative ingredient Bloodroot, i.e. Sanguinaria Canadensis L. Bloodroot's anti-cancer compounds have been known historically since the 1750's-1760's as the secret Plunkett family remedy. Benjamin Rush M.D. in the late 1700's, Dr. J. Weldon Fell in the 1850's, Dr. Pattison in the 1860's, Harry Hoxsey’s salve in the 1940's, Dr.Mohs Chemosurgery salve in the 1950's, and Dan Raber's TumorX Paste in the 1990's. All of these people have promoted a paste to kill cancer that used bloodroot as the active ingredient. These pastes have been known historically as black salve, bloodroot salve, other names, and unfortunately as escharotic salves. TumorX Paste is used in conjunction with TumorX Enzymes that can, in most cases, defeat one’s cancers. Pancreatic Enzymes (TumorX 103X and Formula 303X) have been used in Western medicine dating back to 1900's, then later incorporating plant-based enzymes, i.e. TumorX 403X. Pancreatic enzymes were first researched by Dr. John Beard.in the 1890's. Dan Raber in the 1990's combined Dr. Beards work with the historic bloodroot herb that yielded unprecedented results. Anyone using salves should purchase Dan's instruction manual and DVD also, as mentioned previously: http://cancerx.org/educational_products.html http://cancerx.org/bloodroot_directions.html TREATMENT DIRECTIONS Salve treatment guidence: http://blacksalveinfo.com Rick from the black salve site appears willing to advise anyone using salves from any source, although he has links to salve products. One of the best instruction pages I've seen along with Dan Raber's site, is on the web page at Rick's site: http://blacksalveinfo.com/instrbs.htm TREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS. This is geared more for skin cancers, but the treatment is the same, and he must not realize that deeper cancers can also be treated, as has been our experience. http://cancersalves.com As stated previously, anyone considering self-treatment with salves would be best advised to purchase the definitive book on cancer salves--different formulas and instructions are included, and to educate yourself on the subject first. Treatment under a licensed medical doctor's care is available in the Philippines. Salve treatment became part of mainstream medicine there after the medical authorities witnessed the safety and effectiveness of this type of cancer protocol. THE SALVE WE MAKE AT HOME AND USE OURSELVES: (It's much easier and less expensive to buy commercially-made salve in smaller amounts now) One very old formula from a 150-year-old book, with basic instructions (This application is for internal cancers/tumors--for skin cancer the salve would be applied to the whole of the external area in most cases) ESCHAROTIC
SALVES Then gradually stir in: Mix well before putting
on to cook in a double boiler. 1 pint of
BOILED LINSEED OIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2EC1jaD3EA
(Get in hardware store or order pharmaceutical grade oil from the cancer salve book.) Add 1 piece of RESIN the size of a walnut—preferably the green resin used for bass violin. (Get in music store) djt--We found that the bass violin rosen was amber, and the cello rosen was dark green and looks black in the container, so we got the green one. Add 2½
oz. of BEESWAX and let melt. (DO NOT COOK/BOIL) 1 tablespoon of OIL OF SPIKE (I ordered that from the source provided and it said Lavender Oil of Spike-light, but the business appears to be gone now. Many natural food stores carry it or it can be found online--DJT) This appears to be just plain Lavender essentual oil.
TREATMENT On a STERILE WHITE GAUZE put some BLACK SALVE about 1/8th inch thick. Place where you think you have the cancer. Leave this on for 24 hours. If you have cancer, this will turn you a pinkish red and will stick to you. If not, you have no cancer. (We were advised that people suspecting cancer but not knowing its location could use a general spot below the waist on the left side, under the belt line and above the groin--about half way in between. And the advice to apply salve in about the size of a quarter relates to internal cancers or testing. If the cancer has protruded externally or is a skin cancer, all of the area should be covered. The book Cancer Salves has more specific information for different circumstances.) If it sticks and
turns red, wipe off all of the black salve and clean AROUND the spot with
rubbing alcohol. NEVER clean off the spot with alcohol, but only around
the spot. Put a good portion of the LIGHT SALVE on and leave for 24 hours. Remove and clean off salve with dry sterile pad. Clean around the spot with alcohol/hydrogen peroxide. CHANGE THIS EVERY 24 HOURS FOR 6 DAYS. (The person who gave us the salve information suggests changing it every 12 hours instead). Then again, apply the BLACK SALVE and leave on for 24 hours. Then back to the LIGHT SALVE, changing every 24 (or 12) hours. An ESCHAR will have formed (pus will form into a large scab-like cap with tiny hair-like filaments--“leaders”--underneath leading off into different directions). CONTINUE USING THE LIGHT SALVE UNTIL THE ESCHAR COMES OUT ON ITS OWN AND THE HEALING IS DONE. It should come out in 11-13 days from the sixth day; about 17-20 days from the start. When used correctly, very little scarring takes place. NEVER try to force the eschar out. Let it come out of its own accord. Even if it hangs by a small corner, DO NOT try pulling it off.STAY QUIET AS POSSIBLE, especially from the 6th day on. You can walk around a bit, but do not make any sudden moves, as this may break the leaders when the salve is pulling. Best to stay down when it begins to come out. Also, be VERY careful when going to the toilet. You will get very red around the forming scab, but do not get concerned. This is normal. (It gets fiery red in a large area around the scab—do not take anything to suppress what looks like an infection. In fact, inflammation is an important, useful, and necessary function of the immune system in the healing process.) According to salve expert Dan Raber, the leaders are actually cancerous roots and if they break during treatment instead of absorbing up into the scab and then releasing it, you have to redo the black salve to get it all. http://www.cancerx.org He sells a slightly different formula made up. DO NOT GET ANY WATER ON THE TREATED AREA. This will stop the action of the salve. (We have not seen this happen after the process starts and mainly avoid water during the first black salve treatment, but keep it dry the best you can. We try to keep it covered with plastic or something similar to take showers.) SOURCES ALL OF THE INGREDIENTS IN SMALL AMOUNTS---http://tinyurl.com/7wre6u6 BLOOD ROOT—sometimes called “Indian Paint” available at some health food stores. You may have to grind it into a powder. (Check internet sources if this isn't available locally. We get ours from herbalcom.com) ZINK CHLORIDE— Can be found in or through older drug stores or on the internet. (Such as-- http://www.sciencelab.com/page/S/PVAR/10433/SC-Z1060, 500gr., which ended up costing $70+ with hazardous material shipping and UPS special handling fees, but will make several large batches of black salve.) OIL OF SPIKE (Lavender Oil)—(light kind, not dark) Our original source is gone. They may have moved--check health food stores or do an internet search, but make certain the products aren't irradiated. (Lavender Oil of Spike) We get ours in area health food stores now. The definitive cancer salve site is Ingrid Naiman's http://cancersalves.com. She has the most comprehensive book available, based on years of research, which contains treatment advice, different salves, their formulas with instructions to make them yourself, and instructions for use. She does NOT advise people personally for legal and time constraint reasons, but her site contains forums to discuss salve use. The book is sold from her site, and is available at online bookstores in hardback, paperback, new and used, but they appear to be far more expensive than what she charges (around $32). This is about escharotic salves, and not all are bloodroot-based, nor contain zinc chloride used in many to assist in a deeper penetration into the tissues. For some cases, she prefers salves with a base of goldenseal, as is explained in the book, and she also has treatment products available on her site, not salves, but such things as the tonic used in the famous Hoxsey treatment, although updated with the replacement of a couple of ingredients with more effective ones. CANCER SALVES
1-888-FAX-HEAL or 360-779-9677" Salve treatment guidence: http://blacksalveinfo.com Rick from the black salve site appears willing to advise anyone using salves from any source, although he has links to salve products. One of the best instruction pages I've seen along with Dan Raber's site, is on the web page at Rick's site: http://blacksalveinfo.com/instrbs.htm This is geared more for skin cancers, but the treatment is the same, and he must not realize that deeper cancers can also be treated, as has been our experience. Medical salve use: In the Philippines, medical doctors administer salve treatments as part of their own "orthodox" medical arsenal. Bloodroot salve treatments have been in use since 2002: "Jade Del Mundo Md. From the Department of Health invites you to the Philippines for your healing." (info from the cancerx.org site) ESCAROTIC CANCER SALVES (bloodroot variety) (Disclaimer: This material is intended for information only and not given as medical advice, which should come from a licensed health care provider.) The following formulas for light and dark salves used alternately in an old herbal cancer treatment was submitted to the Yakima Herald-Republic around 1980 by a Yakima Valley chiropractor that promptly lost his license to practice his profession legally because of it. He reportedly owns a 100+ year old book with this remedy included in it, said to have originated with Canadian Indians, but of which many varieties go way back in time, particularly since the herb bloodroot has been known for it’s tumor-fighting properties since ancient times. A family friend cut it out and kept it, but we came across information about it from friend of the family who heard about this cancer research project and reported that she had been diagnosed with metasticized breast cancer and sent home from the hospital with instructions to “put her affairs in order” as she was scheduled (by them) to die. Someone who knew her insisted on giving her the salve treatment. Having nothing to lose, she submitted to the procedure. Later, the same doctors who pronounced the death sentence insisted that it must have been “a misdiagnosis.” No sign of the cancer remained, and she has been cancer-free for many years now. The above case was mentioned to the former owner of a local health food store. She knew about the salves and someone else who had been using them. The person who used the salve on herself--Bernice Dodd--is the one who gave us the formula in 1996, along with a small container of “black salve”—the first part of this 2-salve (light and black salve) treatment. We made the other one ourselves from the instructions below. The lady with the breast cancer only used the salve one time but checks every year to see if she gets a positive reaction from it (if left on the skin for a 24 hour period, the black salve will either do nothing or cause a skin reaction, indicating the presence of diseased tissue.) The family member who has used the treatment several times probably has some cancer or pre-cancerous condition on-going and the treatment keeps it cleaned up. He was also diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver over 22 years ago, which also seems not to have progressed. In fact, there have been no symptoms of it for many years. Since this formula
was published in our county newspaper, a comprehensive book has been written
on the subject of “cancer salves” of which there are many
more than the two described here. The author has also created a massive
website, so much of this information is available and the book and links
to actual prepared formulas which can be purchased are all available online
at: Dianne Jacobs Thompson Est. 2003 Also http://legaljustice4john.com The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?" DISCLAIMER:
The material on this site is for informational and educational
purposes only. Please consult with your health care provider for treatment
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