treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions; SUBJECT: GALL BLADDER DISEASE CAUSES, TREATMENT, AND POST SURGICAL PROBLEMS AND ADVICE http://www.greekmedicine.net/hygiene/Emotions_and_Organs.html GREEK MEDICINE: EMOTIONS AND ORGANS In modern medicine, we tend to take a very mechanical view of the body and the physiological functions of its component organs. But in Greek Medicine and other traditional medical systems, the internal organs were seen as being strongly affected by the emotions. These traditional notions of Greek Medicine are as follows: Liver, Gall Bladder: Bile is produced by the liver
and stored in the gall bladder, which makes these two organs vulnerable
to negative Choleric emotions like anger, irritability, frustration, resentment,
jealousy and envy. These negative Choleric emotions are stored in these
organs, and can slowly eat away at them if allowed to fester. Anger and
rage can explode upwards from the liver into the head, causing a lot of
havoc in their wake: headaches, migraines; red, sore, bloodshot eyes;
and muscular tension in the neck and shoulders. Nervous and emotional
tension and stress, as well as Melancholic emotions like pensiveness and
worry, will stagnate the flow of the Natural Force in the liver, which
in turn causes nervous, colicky, Melancholic disturbances of the digestive
functions. This excess melancholy often accumulates under the lower ribs,
giving a stuffy, distended, congested feeling in the whole chest and diaphragm
area. http://www.livestrong.com/article/182582-bach-flower-remedies-for-the-liver/ http://floremedies.com/honeysuckle.php http://www.wholisticresearch.com/info/artshow.php3?artid=208 Bach flower remedies reportedly treat negative emotional states that affect the organs.and promote organ health. http://hpathy.com/cause-symptoms-treatment/gallbladder-diseases/ --homeopathy treatment (best evaluated and prescribed by a licensed homeopathic physician) PHYSICAL CAUSES OF A BAD GALLBLADDER (TWO VIEWS) Discover why a gallbladder malfunctions Your gallbladder is like a small sack that stores and regulates bile. Bile is a fluid made in the liver that is essential to the digestion of fat. As fat from your food passes into the small intestine, the gallbladder dumps in the proper amount of bile to aid in fat digestion. But if the liver is overloaded with too many toxins from health conditions like constipation; persistent drug, alcohol, or hormone use; or contaminated or highly processed foods, the bile it releases to the gallbladder can become extremely concentrated. The gallbladder can then become clogged with the thickened bile or the gallstones that can form due to the extra thick bile. Once clogged, the gallbladder will likely begin to malfunction and you may experience extremely uncomfortable bloating from 5 to 20 minutes after eating, along with other symptoms of a bad gallbladder. http://www.drmyattswellnessclub.com/Gallbladder.htm Gallbladder "Attacks" and Gallstones Nearly half a million gallbladder surgeries --- removal, or cholecystectomy to be precise --- are performed each year in the US. Many of the people who give up their gallbladders to such surgery appear to be fine, and the pain of their gallbladder attacks are over. Oddly enough, for many others, gallbladder "attacks" continue even in the absence of a gallbladder - in fact, one authoritative source indicates that Post Cholecystectomy Syndrome (PCS) affects at least 10 to 15% of people who have had their gallbladders removed! Are the people who have given up their gallbladders really "fine"? And why do others continue to have pain in spite of removal of their gallbladder? Conventional medical doctors make no attempt to help people "save" their gallbladders when stomach or other symptoms is believed due to gallbladder attacks. In fact, many gallbladders are removed even when scans do not show anything wrong with the gallbladder. Because there is no attempt to preserve this organ in conventional medicine, and because many people feel better after surgical removal of their GB, people mistakenly believe that the gallbladder isn't important and that living without it makes no difference. Unfortunately, this viewpoint is incorrect and can be downright unhealthy. Contrary to common belief, the gallbladder isn't just a "vestigial organ" with little or no importance. One of the primary jobs of the gallbladder is to control the flow of bile which in turn is needed to absorb fats, oils and fat-soluble nutrients. Once the gallbladder is removed, these functions cannot happen normally, at least not without additional "outside help" from supplementation. Although steps can be taken to prevent nutrient deficiencies if you have
already had your gallbladder removed, let's talk about another important
question. How can you get rid of gallbladder "attacks" and keep
your gallbladder in the first place? After all, "prevention"
is always easier than cure. Gallbladder pain is usually blamed on gallstones, although stones are rarely the cause of intermittent GB discomfort. Stones of a particular size that get stuck in the bile duct are indeed incredibly painful. If they are not passed quickly, gangrene of the duct and gallbladder can set in with life-threatening complications. This is the only true "surgical emergency" of gallbladder stones. However, most stones are too large to obstruct the gall duct. Other people have "sand," which is fine particulate that is too small to obstruct the gall duct. So where does the pain come from? The real cause --- and cure --- of gallbladder pain was discovered back in 1968 by a physician named James C. Breneman. Dr. Breneman was chairman of the Food Allergy Committee of the American College of Allergists, or ACA (now called the American College of Allergy and Immunology, or ACAI). Dr. Breneman discovered that attacks of gallbladder pain are caused by food allergies. In 1968, he put 69 people who suffered from recurrent gallbladder attacks on an elimination diet to determine their food allergies. Six of the subjects already had their gallbladders removed but were still having gallbladder "attacks," a phenomenon known as "post-cholecystectomy syndrome." Dr. Breneman found that all 69 people --- 100 percent! --- were totally symptom-free of gallbladder pain when they avoided their individual food sensitivities, and all 69 had a recurrence of their symptoms when they ate the foods they reintroduced the foods they were allergic to back into their diets. The most common allergenic foods were found to be eggs (92.8%), pork
(63.8%), onions (52.2%), chicken and turkey (34.8%), milk (24.6%), coffee
(21.7% ), and oranges (18.8%). Corn, beans, nuts, apples, tomatoes, peas,
cabbage, spices, peanuts, fish, and rye accounted for between 1 to 14.5%
of gallbladder attacks. 14 of the 69 study participants (over 20 percent)
also had gallbladder attacks caused by medications. The body's reaction to allergic substances is to cause swelling (remember
how your nose swells if you have seasonal allergies?). When food and medication
allergies cause swelling of the gallbladder ducts, bile flow is obstructed.
The symptoms of allergy-caused obstruction are the same as a stone being
stuck in the duct. (Hence the blame being laid on a "stone"
when in fact, swelling of the tissue caused by a food or medicine reaction
is the real culprit). The real treatment for most GB pain isn't to remove this important organ,
but to perform an elimination / challenge diet or food allergy testing
and find the offending foods and medications. The gallbladder stores and then releases bile in response to fats contained in a meal. Bile is necessary to assist the digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. When the gallbladder is removed, vitamins A, E, D, K, and essential fatty acids are not absorbed properly. Unfortunately, the symptoms of declining fat-soluble vitamins and essential fats come on slowly and most often, unnoticeably. Health problems can be many and varied, associated with a deficiency of any or all of these fat-soluble vitamins.
Who would guess that removal of the gallbladder, especially without replacement
of bile salts (which is NEVER suggested in conventional medicine), could
contribute to the premature development of so many and varied health problems,
all related to fat soluble nutrient assimilation? Low stomach acid can cause or contribute to the development of gallstones. Correcting a stomach acid deficiency is of primary importance when addressing gallbladder health. Here
is more information about the many symptoms and diseases associated with
low stomach acid. The stomach's primary job is to digest protein and emulsify fats, and it does this by making an extremely powerful acid called hydrochloric acid (HCL) and a protein-digesting enzyme called pepsin. The hydrochloric acid made by a healthy stomach is one million times stronger than the mild acidity of urine or saliva. A leather-like strip of jerky can be quickly turned into "beef soup" by the action of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach. That's how normal digestion is supposed to work. But just like the rest of an aging body, the stomach's hydrochloric acid and pepsin production decreases over time. As a result, we do not digest food as well. Many older studies conducted on several thousand people in the 1930's and 1940's showed that half of all people by age 60 were functioning at only 50% gastric acid output. Numerous contemporary studies verify that that stomach acid production often declines with age. Jonathan Wright, M.D., well-known and respected holistic physician, states: “Although research in this area is entirely inadequate, its been my clinical observation that calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, manganese, vanadium, molybdenum, cobalt, and many other micro-trace elements are not nearly as well-absorbed in those with poor stomach acid as they are in those whose acid levels are normal. When we test plasma amino acid levels for those with poor stomach function, we frequently find lower than usual levels of one or more of the eight essential amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Often there are functional insufficiencies of folic acid and/or vitamin B12.” Remember, these are essential nutrients. Deficiencies of any single one
of them can cause serious health problems over time. Weak bones, diminish
immune function, failing memory, loss of eyesight and many other “diseases
of aging” are often the result of decreased stomach function. Acne rosacea
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) It also appears that many cases of depression, which appear related to too little neurotransmitters (which in turn are made from amino acids) may in fact be inability to absorb the necessary precursors due to - you guessed it - low stomach acid. I suspect there are a large number of other diseases that begin with a failing digestive system and that have not yet been recognized as such. Even so, many people who have low stomach acid do not have symptoms of
heartburn, “acid indigestion” or GERD. You can perform a gastric acid self-test at home using some betain HCL capsules taken with meals. If digestion improves - bingo! You’re hydrochloric acid deficient. If you did not have any digestive complaints but you don't feel anything with added HCL, it is highly likely that you have a stomach acid deficiency and would benefit from taking betain HCL with meals. This issue of low stomach acid is central to so many diseases that I recommend a gastric acid self-test to EVERYONE over age 50 and anyone under age 50 who has any medical complaint related to nutrient deficiency. I’ve put together a “Gastric Acid Function Self Test Kit” that includes full instructions for testing your own stomach acid plus “test sizes” of the supplements - including hydrochloric acid and pepsin - needed for the test. It’s super-easy with the included instructions - no blood draws, needles, sample collections or anything yucky or unpleasant! Testing your own digestive function is simple and easy, and it could save you much grief, sickness, and yes, heartburn. And here is a simple self-test kit to help you determine if you
need supplemental betaine hydrochloride: Magnesium deficiency is extremely common among people who suffer from gallbladder pain and stones (even when the stones are not the actual cause of the pain). And if magnesium deficiency relates to the development of stones, the news gets even worse for those who don't supplement: 60% of post-GB removal patients suffer from magnesium deficiency and 40% from calcium/magnesium deficiency. A high-quality daily multiple vitamin/mineral supplement such as Maxi Multi contains a full daily recommended dose of magnesium and calcium. For those taking "one-per day" multiples or no extra supplementation at all, additional magnesium supplementation is highly recommended. References
Drink 1/4 a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably stored in glass). If possible, also chase it with 8 ounces of apple juice (preferably organic), or mix both together. Most of the pain should disappear within 15 minutes. One core lesson that alternative medicine has taught us is to never underestimate the power of Apple Cider Vinegar, and the apples that keep the doctors away. It is like the garlic that keeps away the vampires. General Prevention and Treatment of Gallstones The following natural treatment protocol is for liver dysfunction. In addition to helping combat gallstones (liver stones), it will holistically improve a person's overall health. Reduce Fats: Reduce fat intake overall, especially
unnatural and toxic fats like hydrogenated oils, soy, and canola. Natural
fats (like butter) are better, but should be used sparingly nonetheless. The 2 Day Naturopathic Gallbladder Cleanse Procedure (to avoid surgery) This is a high-speed cleanse for liver and gallbladder stones that we had forgotten, and lost from our records. We thank a lady named Nandana T. Pai for posting enough information to Yahoo! Answers for us to reconstruct this protocol. There are other, more thorough cleanses available, but these take a minimum of a week to implement. We figure that whenever somebody is trying to rid themselves of gallstones, then they are going to want fast relief. Ingredients: 1/2 cup of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil Procedure: Test to see if you have a bad reaction to Epsom Salt by holding about
a 1/4 tsp. of it in your mouth for about half a minute, and then swallow
it. If there are any problems, then this entire procedure is a no-go.
This is essential for safety, because an allergic reaction to the massive
amounts given later could be fatal. Epilogue These methods do not butcher an already weakened body, and they leave the person stronger in both the short and the long term. They are cheap, fast, effective, all natural, and generally very safe. Unlike 'conventional' medical treatments, these methods will usually cure the problem, instead of merely suppressing the symptoms until the problem becomes much worse. Discard our suggestions if you have allergies or other negative reactions to any of the ingredients used for these treatments. http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/bad-gallbladder-natural-treatments#food_and_nutrients_to_promote_flow
http://lauraraycwc.hubpages.com/hub/Gallstones-An-Alternative-Treatment http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/article.detail/ID/6340f06b-8267-4b5d-9497-0e9678ab8cbc Critical Advice to Follow After the Removal of Your Gallbladder by Dr. David Williams [Critical Advice to Follow
After the Removal of Your Gallbladder] Often after a bad gallbladder is removed, you will have more difficulty digesting and assimilating fats. (Learn more specifics about how the removal of your gallbladder leads to impaired digestion.) This can cause a wide variety of problems such as: Skin disorders To avoid these health concerns after the removal of your gallbladder, there is one step every patient should take: Use bile salt supplements regularly. There are several bile salt products available. Two I recommend are: Lipo-Complex from Progressive Labs. The other is Standard Process's Cholacol, and it is distributed only through doctors' offices. To locate a doctor who can get Cholacol for you, email Standard Process at info@standardprocess.com. http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/importance-of-bile-acid#axzz2HS8Z3MMe You've (Hopefully) Got Some Gall by Dr. David Williams If you ask most doctors about bile, the common response would be that it’s simply a digestive fluid put out by the liver that aids in the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. However, research from the Baylor College of Medicine indicates that your body’s ability to regenerate liver tissue depends on signals that indicate there is an imbalance in bile levels. While bile is made in the liver, it is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder—another component that most doctors feel patients can easily live without. As a result, over half a million people each year in the US alone lose their gallbladder to surgery and are still being told there will be few, if any, long–term negative consequences. This should be a crime. Bile acids are produced from cholesterol in your liver and then flow into your gallbladder where they are stored and concentrated as much as fivefold. As your body senses the movement of fat into the small intestine, the gallbladder releases the bile to emulsify the fat—making it easier to absorb. As the bile continues through the digestive tract, 90 to 95 percent of it is reabsorbed from the large intestine and returned to the liver, where it is reused as many as twenty times. With a healthy gallbladder, proper amounts of bile are released into the digestive tract as needed. Without a gallbladder, there is a continuous trickle of bile into your system regardless of the presence or absence of fat. The failure to match bile output to fat presence jeopardizes one’s ability to properly digest fat and, eventually, leads to deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids, poor cholesterol metabolism, and the absorption of improperly digested fat globules. This latest research has shown that exposure to higher relative amounts of bile acids triggers regeneration in damaged portions of the liver—which helps explain why individuals who take drugs that sequester bile acids, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, can’t regenerate liver tissue. Interestingly, animals that were bred with the inability to regenerate their liver—due to a lack of ability to recognize increased bile acid levels—regained the power of regeneration when they were given bile acids in their diet. This is another prime example
that illustrates the long-term consequences of unnecessary surgery and
drug use. Continuing to take cholesterol-lowering medication in the presence
of liver disease could be disastrous. Example conditions, as indicated
by deteriorating liver function tests, include hepatitis, cirrhosis, cysts,
Reye’s syndrome, liver cancer, sarcoidosis, Wilson’s disease,
and hemochromatosis. On a related front, researchers have demonstrated that an imbalance of bile acids might be contributing to the current pandemic of obesity in the Western world. As I stated before, the classical role of bile acid is thought to be one of enhancing fat absorption in the intestine. Just recently in France, however, researchers clearly demonstrated that bile acids also regulate the metabolism of fat by stimulating the production of active thyroid hormone within fat cells. When animals were given bile acids, their metabolism in brown fat tissue increased. The intake of the bile acids also prevented obesity and insulin resistance. Many scientists now feel that bile acids, through natural metabolic stimulation and fat breakdown, may be one of the safer and more effective tools to increase fat loss and help control body weight. When you put the number of people who have hypothyroidism together with the ability of bile acids to increase thyroid hormone production, it makes perfect sense. (Dr. Broda Barnes, an acclaimed physician whose work helped identify many of the dangers of hypothyroidism decades ago, estimated in the 1970s as many as 40 percent of the adult population suffered from hypothyroidism. Personally, I think that was a conservative estimate, and the numbers haven’t gone down any since.) Research has also shown that anything you can do to improve thyroid function will decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, improve energy levels, improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and provide a long list of other benefits. I strongly suggest that you
check your current multivitamin/mineral supplement and make sure it contains
bile as one of its ingredients. Bile supplementation is particularly crucial
if you take cholesterol–lowering drugs, no longer have your gallbladder,
and/or have problems digesting fatty foods. There are several bile salt
products on the market, and many can be found in your local health food
store. I use the product called Cholacol from Standard Process. I recommend
taking two tablets immediately before a meal. When talking about the need for bile acids, vegetarians often express their reluctance to use supplements that contain ox bile. Unfortunately, it is often the true vegetarians who demonstrate the greatest need for additional bile acids. I suspect this situation is due in part to the fact that their diet generally includes more fiber, which tends to bind with the bile salts and causes them to be excreted rather than reabsorbed. Diets like these require an increase in the production of bile salts. Beets and beet juice are often used as substitutes for bile supplementation. While beets may be very beneficial for your health, they are not a substitute for bile acids and salts. Beets are rich in betaine, which stimulates liver cell function and provides a protective effect for the liver and bile ducts. One recent study found that ingesting beets can have a significant tumor–inhibiting effect and help prevent cancer. One benefit of betaine that has recently come to light is its ability to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine, you’ll recall, is the toxic amino acid that increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG), is a minor “mood enhancer.” Through a series of events, it increases serotonin levels and can be used to help relieve many cases of depression. Beets (cooked, raw, or juiced) are highly underutilized in this country as a medicinal food—and it seems that hardly anyone praises the benefits of the leaves of the beet plant. Beets belong to the same plant family as spinach, and they are just as nutritious, even though they have never received the positive publicity that spinach received because of the old Popeye the Sailor Man character. By the time EC Segar created Popeye in the 1920s in his “Thimble Theatre” comic strip, spinach had already become a growing favorite among the health crowd. He picked the vegetable as Popeye’s secret for strength—a view that was reinforced by Max Fleisher’s Popeye cartoons in the 1930s—and beet leaves subsequently fell by the wayside. If you juice, definitely try a mixture of beets and carrots, and use the beet leaves as you would spinach. Just don’t expect to get the same results as Popeye...unless you include the bile acids in your daily routine. Read more: http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/importance-of-bile-acid#ixzz2Hv32LnjF Dianne Jacobs Thompson Est. 2003 Also http://legaljustice4john.com The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?" DISCLAIMER:
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