"For some reason modern medicine has itself turned a corner and entered a darkness and is now committing crimes against humanity unequalled
in the history of our race."
--Dr. Mark Sircus
Alternative Cancer Treatments

1979 Around January of that year, I went home to die.   ..cont. 
I was diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer, chronic bronchitis, acutely infected ovarian cysts, arthritis, sciatica, low thyroid, anemia and a heart condition. Besides that I had chronic ear infections and long-standing clinical depression. The late Dr. Harold Dick, N.D., known as a "naturopathic oncology pioneer" cured me in 5 weeks. It required the diagnosis (the Carroll Food Test) of digestive enzyme deficiency food intolerances which most people have and few know about, and it also identified the primary tissue salt deficiency, along with treatment with glandular protomorphogens to restore glandular health, and Constitutional Hydrotherapy to bring about detoxification, to stimulate blood circulation and the activity of the vital organs and to jump-start the immune system. It turned out to be the basic foundation of the most successful healing system I've ever witnessed.
1986 My 5-year-old daughter was forcibly vaccinated and immediately developed a flesh-eating infection so virulent that my husband and I became infected from contact. Naturopathic medicine brought us back from the brink.
Later that year we were introduced to escharotic cancer salves and treated a dog tumor, my husband's cirrhosis of the liver, various skin lesions, moles, fungal infections, and a lump in my thigh. It eventually helped clear up the remaining symptoms from my husband's flesh-eating infection after he was forced to submit to antibiotic treatment which made a mess of it. There was much more, gallbladder problems in 1999, adrenal deficiency 2001, injury in 2002, arthritis, diabetes, and other issues between 2003-2012, including glaucoma--cured.

This is why I research and write about alternative medicine. It's a debt.

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*Alternative treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress, harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions;
*Information about junk science and bad medicine, including unsafe and ineffective vaccines and undiagnosed medical conditions mimicking child abuse and Shaken Baby Syndrome;

Natural Healing Information
This site provides starting points. The rest of the journey must be yours.

"Truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor applause, 
bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing"


A brilliant naturopathic physician saved my life and restored my health in a matter of weeks in the late 1970's. The Carroll Food Test pinpointed digestive enzyme deficiency food intolerances that most people have and few know about, as well as the primary tissue salt deficiency that I needed to have put back in balance. In my case, I needed Ferrum Phos.--iron (tissues salts are made as a supplement homeopathically, which bypasses the problem of absorption and assimilation that causes most deficiency states). That explained why I had always been anemic in spite of medical treatment--I couldn't properly absorb iron. Along with that, the late Dr. Harold Dick, N.D. determined from other diagnostic tests and his comprehensive examination that I also glandular repair, which he accomplished with glandular protomorphogens. These "glandulars" are unlike any other. Rather than being desiccated whole glands or hormone replacement therapy that further damages or suppresses the activity of a sick gland, they contain the part of the gland cell that has a "blueprint" for the construction of a healthy cell, so they are able to help the gland heal itself by rebuilding or repairing sick or damaged cells. In my case, I had suffered from hypothyroidism most of my life that didn't respond to conventional treatment, and without even being told that, he determined that I needed the thyroid protomorphogens. A permanent dietary change, tissue salts and glandular protomorphogens, along with 5 weeks of treatment with Constitutional Hydrotherapy turned my life around. A blood panel done by a medical doctor later also documented that my thyroid levels had become normal. No more anemia either. But those weren't the problems that led me to naturopathic medicine. By the time I found Dr. Dick, I was also suffering from stage 2 stomach cancer, arthritis, chronic bronchitis, ovarian cysts, sciatica, and a heart condition caused primarily by the acute infection in my ovaries. I thought I was going to die. Instead, I acquired a level of health never dreamed of, that lasted for over 20 years. Then, a new set of problems developed from extreme, unrelieved stress which damaged my adrenals (adrenal exhaustion/deficiency, not Addison's disease where total failure occurs). Then, a different kind of protomorphogens was needed--Adrenotrophic (I think that's the name), obviously for repair of the adrenal gland. My healing program was more complex than that, but the adrenal protomorphogens played a part and my adrenals now test out as normal.

Protomorphogens (PMGs)

According to Dr West, in his wonderful newsletter Health Alert (Nov 2000, 17:11), "Protomorphogens are the tiniest specks of life made specifically by your body for each kind of tissue and are necessary for the control factors involved in disease."

We've heard of these before, but it wasn't until we read Dr West's take on them did we finally understand their function in helping the body to repair itself.

Modern medicine does not cure cancer. It eliminates (if it can) the problem giving us time to go heal the actual problem. Removing a tumor does not get to the root cause. But it does "buy" us time.

Here is the theory: when an organ develops cancer, the PMG "blueprint" is altered. Cell reproduction goes uncontrolled. Dr Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process Labs in Wisconsin (they sell only to Health Care Professionals) patented over 75 PMGs from animal tissue (animals raised organically). In early studies, it was shown that taking PMGs orally (the specific organ PMGs for a specific cancer) initiated a healing of that organ. (According to Standard Process, they are no longer able to get the same quality or amount of organically-raised animals as they did in the beginning when the patents were first issued.--Ed.)

Any dietary therapy must contain PMGs and eliminate sugars (or to be more specific, all processed foods). The only place you can get PMGs specifically for your organ that has cancer, is from a distributor of Standard Process Labs, or Dr West (my personal supplier). For lung cancer, there is Pneumotrophin, for liver cancer there is Hepatrophin, etc. We suggest you call Dr West's company (Immune Systems, at 800.231.8063) and tell them the organ damaged by cancer. They will tell you how much and where to send your check. Or better still, order Dr West's newsletter. For subscription information, write to Health Alert, 5 Haris Court N6, Monterey, CA 9394 or call 800.231.8063.

Protomorphogens. What the heck? Tons of theories abound as to the nature of disease, and a few lucky scientists using special microscopes (electron microscopes kill everything that you view) have documented the regeneration of life at these really tiny levels. The man who started Standard Process Labs, a company that manufactures vitamins and supplements from real organic foods and organic animals and sells only to health care professionals.....patented quite a few protomorphogens...and in studies, they help tissues (that have gone crazy and started producing tumors) to return to normal.

What are Protomorphogens?
by Dr. Gary Farr on 12 December 2001

"Anti-Aging", "Life Extension", "Youth Restoration", these and many other "catch phrases" stimulate the public to spend millions of dollars in search of the quality of life they once had or now have that they wish to maintain. No matter the expense, people will spend money IF there is hope of improved sexual vigor, increased vitality, better sleep, the assuredness that they might liver longer, etc. etc. etc.
People will spend money IF there is hope of improved sexual vigor, increased vitality, better sleep, the assuredness that they might liver longer, etc. etc. etc. In fact they spend GREAT DEALS of money to find alternative solutions to their health problems. Some work better than others.

The Key to Longevity

The key to longevity has long been know to be sustaining the health of the INDIVIDUAL CELL, allowing it to live out its full pre-programmed lifespan. Any attempt to unravel and explain the complex mystery of cellular life is met with more questions. How is it that a single living unit can determine the outcome of our health? Why do cells behave the way they do? And, what happens when they don't behave the way they should? We know many details and we do, indeed, understand much about the human cell, but what we know is so very little when compared to what we do not know. Dr. Royal Lee (founder and developer of Standard Process), certainly held this humble view and this viewpoint led him in the development of food supplements to help nutritionally deficient people get well and stay well.
The key to longevity has long been know to be sustaining the health of the INDIVIDUAL CELL, allowing it to live out its full pre-programmed lifespan.

In the 1940's, Dr. Lee's most brilliant achievement was possibly seen. He published in 1947, "The Theory of Protomorpholgy". He did not claim originality in this work although his work is filled with original ideas. He believed that many others before and contemporaneous with him had already done the work and that his job was to bring these brilliant ideas together into a cohesive theory of cell reproduction. He drew from the concerted work of the best investigative minds in the world and found answers that fully satisfied his destination.

One enigma in biology that has perplexed scientists for years is how living cells not only repair areas of damage but do it with such precision. How does the body "know" when sufficient cell reproduction has taken place? What is the feedback mechanism that allows the body to so accurately regulate growth? Why is this mechanism not working properly in cases of cancer or other forms of unregulated cellular growth? Up to the mid 1800s these questions were asked over and over and answers were sought with intensity. Dr. Lee believed that the answers were already existent, but no one seemed to see or understand WHAT was there. From the work of Antoine Beauchamp in 1870 to that of Gaston Naessens today, a consistent theory with simple practical application has always been there, seemingly hidden yet so clearly discerned by Dr. Royal Lee. It was these questions that Dr. Royal Lee answered.

The Theory of Protomorpholgy

In his book, "The Theory of Protomorpholgy", Dr. Lee discusses how he pioneered a unique method of deriving extracts from the "cell determinants" of specific organs and glands for clinical use. Dr. Lee described in detail what these extracts contained and how they functioned in regard to cell regulation, maintenance, and interaction with tissue antibodies. It is clear both from the description of the extraction process and clinical use that these extracts differ from what is commonly referred to as "protomorphogens." Rather, Protomorphogen? is the trademark owned and used by Standard Process Inc., as a brand name assigned to these uniquely derived extracts.

The protomorphogen is the fundamental building block of cell life. It is not DNA or RNA. Nor is it, in its simplest state, a protein or nucleoprotein. It is a "template" or spatial pattern that determines the production of nucleoproteins or other proteins. This primary unit is CELL SPECIFIC, NOT SPECIES SPECIFIC. This is significant. For example, liver protomorphogen is specific as a pattern for liver cell activity; a protomorphogen, properly extracted, is the SAME throughout all mammalian species. Because it is a mineral substrate, it is, for all practical purposes, indestructible.

What does this mean clinically? The practitioner can use horse protomorphogen as well as cow (bovine) protomorphogen just as effectively.

Or, put in more technical terms, this mineral skeleton forms the framework onto which the chromosome (a linear thread in nucleus of cell that contains the DNA) is then constructed. It is believed that this mineral skeleton, along with its associated nucleoproteins forms the shortest unit of the chromosome. This unit, the cell determinant, is easily polymerized to form organized groups of cell determinants that in turn form the gene, and genes then form the chromosome. The basic structure of the cell determinants is predicated on the specific chemical affinities of the mineral components. Dr. Lee believed that the influence of the cell determinant is due, in large part, to the organized groups of mineral links that serve both as a template and a catalyst to initiate the formation of specific protein molecules. At its most basic level, the attached nucleoprotein moiety (one of two equal parts) is simply attracted and bound due to this chemical affinity of the mineral skeleton. It follows then that the individual genetic pattern is actively formed over this basic framework.

While in the cell determinant state, there appears to be an affinity for lipid substances and a high degree of absorption onto connective tissue. It has been demonstrated that when cell determinant levels are low, cell division decreases. In similar fashion, when higher concentrations are present, cell division is inhibited. These studies show that stimulation is exerted by both homologous (similar in structure and origin but not necessarily in function) and heterologous (cell tissue not normal to the part) cell determinants, while inhibition is exhibited by homologous cell determinants. It is critical to note that this stimulation effect is specifically related to normal cellular growth and not the stimulation of abnormal cell patterns.

It also appears that cell determinants can group to form cell-mediated growth factors. There are a number of cell-mediated growth factor cycles. These include the determinant cycle, which is specifically concerned with the organization of cell morphology (the form and structure of an organism or any of its parts) and metabolic cycle, which is related to cellular energy mechanisms.

At mitosis, the chromosome discharges a significant amount of chromatin into the cytoplasm. This organizes the morphology of the cell cytoplasm. The metabolic cycle may be an augmented manifestation of the determinant cycle. It is interesting to note that synthesis and excretion of cell determinants is a dynamic process and appears to occur independently of the determinant cycle, since extracellular cell determinants continue to accumulate even after cell division ceases.

Cell determinants are found intact through the body and play a role in cell growth and regulation. Proper ratios of intracellular and extracellular cell determinants are critical for optimal cellular health. It appears that poor cellular function and abnormal cellular growth may have their roots in abnormalities of the cell determinant cycles. Based on this hypothesis, adding Protomorphogen? brand extracts has been shown to help maintain cellular health. This effect is believed to be the result of keeping the cellular process in proper balance. In an atmosphere of appropriate cellular balance, maintenance and normalization of the cell cycle can occur; especially in the presence of suitable, biochemical supportive nutrients known to have significant influence upon the organ in question, for example, vitamin A on the eyes.

The use of Protomorphogen? brand extracts can aid in maintaining normal cellular metabolism and cell cycling. This is an important feature that should not be overlooked and is perhaps one of the most important aspects for using Protomorphogen? brand extracts in the clinical setting. Of equal importance, it is essential to consistently provide proper nutritional synergists for cellular support. This will improve the efficacy of the clinical application of Protomorphogen? brand extracts.

The Use of Protomorphogens in the Nutritional Therapy

If the theory of protomorpholgy was Dr. Lee's greatest intellectual achievement, then his greatest engineering achievement was in the development and perfection of the process of extracting the protomorphogen and making it available in tablet form. He provided the PMG's for 23 cell types, and thus opened a vast universe of therapeutic tools for the practitioner and patient. In essence, Dr. Lee gave us everything we need to assist cases in which cell growth and/or repair is a factor.

There are two broad categories of cases that can benefit for PMG support. The first is one in which there is or appears to be an actual genetic defect or limitation that precludes normal cell function or growth and the other is what is commonly referred to as "autoimmune disease". The amazing thing about Dr. Lee's work is that he so clearly understood the factors that lead to these "modern" problems and had equally as clearly worked out potential solutions by creating the PMGs. Yet he did this long before aberrant immune response ("auto-immune") was even understood or accepted. Dr. Lee's theory was so far ahead of "current thinking", that he was dismissed as being a quack and was never given serious consideration, except by those practitioners who already knew him and his previous work with whole food supplements. In truth, the practical and incredibly powerful therapeutic application of the protomorpholgy theory was ahead of his time, perhaps by a century or more!
The amazing thing about Dr. Lee's work is that he so clearly understood the factors that lead to these "modern" problems and had equally as clearly worked out potential solutions by creating the PMGs. Yet he did this long before aberrant immune response ("auto-immune") was even understood or accepted. In truth, the practical and incredibly powerful therapeutic application of the protomorpholgy theory was ahead of his time, perhaps by a century or more!

The use of protomorpholgy is not expensive. It does not and need not interfere with "orthodox care". It can, properly applied, only help and never hurt. The very worst that can happen is nothing, simply nothing. It does require the admission that the body is truly a self-healing organism, and that sometimes just a very few simple things are needed. The key is finding the right things. If a practitioner finds himself in the trap of thinking that "it's all so complicated", he should just ask himself, "How have humans survived thus far?"

The Natural Food Concentrate Philosophy

Dr. Royal Lee insisted that only naturally occurring food sources contain what the human body REQUIRES for proper function. He believed that the only acceptable therapeutic approach was to concentrate whole foods in such a way as to preserve all the known and UNKNOWN factors. This premise is widely unknown today. It is assumed that SCIENCE can determine ALL aspects of human nutrition and EXTRACT the specific nutrients. This is MARKETING HYPE and bears little resemblance to rational thinking. An EXTRACT is always incomplete and though it may well have great short-term use it can never provide more--not in a "natural" sense! What about research? YES!! But let that research lead us to better farming methods to preserve the wondrous bounty that has been provided us. Let this research lead us to healthful aging "naturally"!



Inserted comments made by Dr. Hadley from Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary to increase understanding of terms.

The hallmark of Standard Process is the glandular supplements, specifically, the PROTOMORPHOGENS (PMG). Many health practitioners note that there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSTITUTE for the protomorphogens manufactured by Standard Process. The publication Protomorphology? The Principles Of Cell Auto-Regulation was presented by Royal Lee and William Hanson in 1947. The two primary factors in the theory are that through alimentary (digestive tract) ingestion.

...Increased amounts of protomorphogen are supplied thereby assisting in a speedier recovery of tissue.
...Increased protomorphogen material acts to speed elimination of increased Natural Tissue Antibodies (NTA) in the blood. (Antibody ? complex glycoproteins produced by B lymphocytes in response to the presence of an antigen. Antibodies, all of which are immunoglobulins, may combine with specific antigens to destroy or control them, providing protection against most common infections. Antigen ? A protein marker on the surface of cells that identifies the cell as ?self? or ?non-self?; identifies the type of cell, e.g., skin, kidney; stimulates the production of antibodies, q.v., by B lymphocytes that will neutralize or destroy to cell if necessary.)

Although the complete text and theory is complex, the empirical evidence of protomorphogen efficacy remains unquestionable. THEY WORK!! The following is a portion of a concise and condensed explanation of how protomorphogens work described by Dr. Royal Lee in 1956.

A protomorphogen (PMG) is that component of the cell chromosome that is responsible for morphogenic (forming of body and organs) determination of cell characteristics.
...It is the smallest unit of the cell blueprint assembly.
...It is the smallest unit of the gene system that guides the cell into it hereditary form as it grows and develops or repairs itself.
...Without sufficient protomorphogens in its chromatin, the cell degenerates, dedifferentiates, becomes senile, and dies.

The protomorphogen level in the cell is regulated by the fact that, while normally more is constantly being created by the cell nucleus, it is antigenic and promotes the formation of antibodies, which in turn control the levels of extracellular protomorphogen in the blood and lymph.

Cytotrophic (Cystol? and Protomorphogen?) Extracts are manufactured under US Patent Number 2,374,219 which states the ?purpose of this patent is to provide an improved method of producing a sterilized dry substance from a juice.? This sterilization takes place below pasteurization temperatures of a juice, thus the synergistic agents, such as amino acids and enzymes are not destroyed. Cytotrophic Extracts are not drugs. They are composed of the mineral fractions of animal tissue which is found associated in the protein molecule. Nutritionally this would be considered in the category of meat extracts. Since hormones are not contained in these products, there are no contraindications as to their use, therefore, they are sold as experimental food preparations. Naturally, no food products are subject to, or restricted by the Experimental Drug Law.

It may be assumed that the specific growth factors (the cellular blueprints known as protomorphogen (PMG) that are constantly being secreted by each cell into it surrounding fluids) are prevented from traveling very far by the influence of specific antibodies, known as Natural Tissue Antibodies (NTA). They must be destroyed, if allowed to build up in any concentration; they would promote cell growth and mitosis (type of cell division). Only if any specific organ becomes subject to overwork and consequent inflammation in some degree does this&occur. A kidney doubles in size in six months after its partner has been removed. Muscles grow if sufficient demand is made on their ability.

Where disease has damaged an organ, such as tuberculosis in the case of the lungs, or where the heart has hypertrophied by overwork, the ingestion of heart or lung PMG, as the case may be, may at first create adverse reactions of a toxic nature (malaise, tiredness), apparently by reason of the immediate protolytic destruction of the ingested PMG by antibodies in the blood stream, that are present in higher amounts than normal, by reason of the long-standing inflammation of the specific organ.

But cardiographic recording have shown that within a few minutes after ingestion of the cardiac PMG the heart action changes for the better. It is hard to explain this reaction other than by assuming that the excess heart tissue antibody in the circulating blood has been reduced by combination with the ingested heart PMG. This is probably done without danger of stimulating the formation of more heart tissue antibody, since alimentary ingestion normally does not permit proteins to act as antigens. Parenteral (Denoting any medication route other than the alimentary canal; such as intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, or mucosal) introduction of such materials is another matter.

Other factors that assist in controlling NTA are allantoin (amniotic fluids as an end product of purine metabolism in mammals other than primates), Betaine, (probably by a depolymerizing [the breakdown or splitting of polymer into their basic building blocks or monomer] effect), and the hormones of the gonads, thyroid, thymus, and adrenal. Thymus acts by promoting colloidal dispersion that physiologically opposes cortisone, which flocculates antigen into particulate dimensions that permit their ingestion by phagocytes (and then antibody formation). The thymus during the development age, prevents this and keeps PMG available for growth stimulation and ultimate enzyme digestion and renal elimination.

Thyroid hormone splits PMG off the chromatin reserves of the cell, or from absorbed stores in connective tissue. That is why thyroxin accelerated tadpole metamorphosis. It is also the reason why thyroxin increases the metabolic rate. The released PMG stimulates cell activities.

"Promotes Healing Over Time"

Protomorphogens (PMG) are extracts of nucleic acids from the nucleus of the cell. The nucleic acids control the function of the cell. Many doctors and scientists use the terms protomorphogens and glandulars interchangeably. While not strictly accurate, the protomorphogen is a fundamental type of glandular product, and the principal source of the reputation Standard Process has earned over many decades for clinical results.


Drenatrophin PMG® = adrenal, Ovatrophin PMG® = ovary and Pancreatrophin PMG® = pancreas

Only Standard Process has the technology, invented and produced by Dr. Royal Lee, that can create protomorphogens. The protomorphogens are used widely in well-known Special Formula Products.

Protomorphogens are proteins, nucleoproteins and enzymes that regulate cellular growth and repair. They determine the shape of the proteins that make up the cells. They orient the physical aspect and the specific role of the cell to be built.

Dianne Jacobs Thompson  Est. 2003
Also http://legaljustice4john.com
The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide
Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?"

DISCLAIMER: The material on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Please consult with your health care provider for treatment advice.

EMAIL: Truthquest2

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