treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions; SUBJECT: LIGHT BEAM GENERATOR--STIMULATES BLOOD CIRCULATION, AIDS IN DETOXIFICATION Light Beam Generator (LBG) A review from the
Eclectic Medicine International (EMI) staff at http://www.holisticcancersolutions.com/ "The Photon Beam Generator is a hand-held electronic device that consists of two argon-filled glass tubes and an electronic control box. It puts out photons of light and a high- frequency electrostatic field in a pulsating rhythmic manner. As the glass-tube, lightly touching the skin, is being moved along the lymphatic pathways, the pulsating field affects the vessels in such a way that the lymph fluid begins to move faster and more efficiently than it is capable to do under ordinary circumstances. This effect stimulates the system by breaking open sealed and calcified vessels, increasing blood circulation, stimulating the movement of the lymph fluid, reducing edema, and carrying away waste products which have built up in the tissues, thereby inducing detoxification. According to Ed Skilling, the inventor, the LBG will cause all body fluids to move more freely, wherever it is applied to the body. All this may not sound particularly important or impressive, until one had the opportunity to witness the results of such a treatment. We were told that the results of an LBG treatment are always dramatic, but often they are spectacular. The treatment has caused many "spontaneous" remissions from very serious conditions. In the case of a severely compromised immune system, getting rid of waste products, particularly lymphatic waste, may be the key to survival. We are not aware of any device or medication that is capable to accomplish what the LBG can, with the exception of a thorough, hands-on lymphatic massage. Such a massage requires a trained specialist, and in the case of a very weak or sensitive patient, it may not be a feasible choice. It is also claimed that the device helps restore the cell's normal energy state. The pulsating field generated by it has a deep penetration, thus helping to heal organs and structures deep within the body. Among many other benefits, it was also found to be effective in draining varicose veins. In the fight against cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases, the LBG was found to be an invaluable therapeutic tool. It is being used by clinics and individual physicians all over the world. Countless clinical papers have been written about its therapeutic value. It is affordable, light, portable, non-invasive, and entirely benign. As it is simple to use, a friend or family member can use it on the patient." The source originally given in this quoted article is no longer available. But a Google search for "Light Beam Generator" comes up with many websites with information and products. Dianne Jacobs Thompson Est. 2003 Also http://legaljustice4john.com The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?" DISCLAIMER:
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