some reason modern medicine has itself turned a corner and entered
a darkness and is now committing crimes against humanity unequalled
in the history of our race."
--Dr. Mark Sircus |
Alternative Cancer Treatments |
1979 Around January of that year, I went
home to die.
I was diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer, chronic bronchitis,
acutely infected ovarian cysts, arthritis, sciatica, low thyroid,
anemia and a heart condition. Besides that I had chronic ear infections
and long-standing clinical depression. The late Dr.
Harold Dick, N.D., known as a "naturopathic oncology pioneer"
cured me in 5 weeks. It required the diagnosis (the Carroll
Food Test) of digestive enzyme
deficiency food intolerances which most people have and few
know about, and it also identified the primary tissue
salt deficiency, along with treatment with glandular
protomorphogens to restore glandular health, and Constitutional
Hydrotherapy to bring about detoxification, to stimulate blood
circulation and the activity of the vital organs and to jump-start
the immune system. It turned out to be the basic foundation of the
most successful healing system I've ever witnessed.
1986 My 5-year-old daughter was forcibly vaccinated
and immediately developed a flesh-eating
infection so virulent that my husband and I became infected
from contact. Naturopathic medicine brought us back from the brink.
Later that year
we were introduced to escharotic
cancer salves and treated a dog tumor, my husband's cirrhosis
of the liver, various skin lesions, moles, fungal infections, and
a lump in my thigh. It eventually
helped clear up the remaining symptoms from my husband's flesh-eating
infection after he was forced to submit to antibiotic treatment
which made a mess of it. There was much more, gallbladder
problems in 1999, adrenal
deficiency 2001, injury in 2002, arthritis,
diabetes, and other issues between
2003-2012, including glaucoma--cured.
This is
why I research and write about alternative medicine. It's a debt. |
treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions;
*Information about
junk science and bad medicine, including unsafe and ineffective vaccines
and undiagnosed medical conditions mimicking child abuse and Shaken Baby
Healing Information
site provides starting points. The rest of the journey must be yours.
"Truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor
bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing"
B-17 (Laetrile)
the National Health Federation:
Nitriloside, a Little Known Food Factor --
We are fortunate to have available to us a second line of defense against
cancer. It involves eating foods that contain a little known food factor
called nitriloside. Dr. Ernst Krebs, M.D. is a pioneer in cancer research
who in the 1920s discovered that nitriloside suppresses cancer cells.
He demonstrated that this food factor was essential for maintaining good
health, and he called it vitamin B-17. It has shown to be a kind of natural
‘chemotherapy’ because it kills cancer cells while enhancing
healthy cells, and produces no negative side effects. Unfortunately, conventional
medicine ignores the importance of Dr. Krebs’ findings.
Where can the food
factor, nitriloside, be found? It occurs naturally in foods, and is found
in greatest abundance in apricot kernels. (Although apricot kernels are
hard to find, one can go online and locate companies in California that
sell them). Nitriloside also occurs in lesser concentrations in a host
of other whole foods, including lima beans, lentil, millet, sprouts, ginger
root, turmeric, black eye peas, walnuts, avocados, blackberries, cranberries,
papaya, barley, cassava, to mention a few. Unfortunately, our Western
diet no longer includes very many foods like the ones just mentioned.
The typical American diet is high in processed food, simple carbohydrates,
refined grains, and meat and pasteurized dairy from grain fed animals.
These foods are essentially devoid of nitriloside.
In Summary
Cancer arises because
the first or second line of defense in the body has been broken. To fix
them, one must initiate an aggressive and fundamental change in diet to
largely raw fruits and vegetables, especially including foods rich in
nitriloside (or vitamin B-17). This is the natural route to true cancer
recovery. On the other hand, the broken cancer defense problem is not
addressed by orthodox cancer treatment because it focuses only on eliminating
the cancerous tumor and not on what caused it.
Cancer is a chronic
metabolic disease, and no chronic metabolic disease has ever been cured
without involving certain food factors found in whole natural foods.
Finally, to make the
body a place where cancer cannot survive, it is vital to eat foods each
day that defend the body -- foods rich in enzymes and in nitriloside capable
of disrupting the cancer PROCESS.
What a blessing to
know that there is something we all can do (on our own) about preventing
and overcoming what is arguably the most devastating illness of our time!
Mauris Emeka is the
author of Cancer’s Best Medicine, copyright 2004,
and also of the book Fear Cancer No More, copyright 2002.
Apollo Publishing. P. O. Box 1937. Port Orchard, WA 98366. Refer to: emekam@silverlink.net
and to www.cancernomore.com.
Use this link for other interesting articles www.thenhf.com/articles.html"
sources of vitamin B-17
Raw almonds have been used
for cancer at least since Biblical times--since it's mentioned in the
Old Testament.
"In fact, the simple rule is seeds except from citrus.
So these would include nuts, beans, berries, and other seed foods. Whole
grains are also seeds, so unpolished rice would be an easy source for
rice eaters like us in the Philippines."--Gerry
A list is given here: http://worldwithoutcancer.org.uk/aspreventative.html
Gerry--"My family gets a regular dose of B-17 from unpolished rice,
mung bean sprouts, and nuts (even peanuts has it, though in small quantities).
In the process, we also get vitamin E, tocotrienol, B-complex, protein.
Cassava is a frequent item, too. When I eat apples or grapes, I bite into
the seeds, chew and swallow them along with the fruit. We also enjoy the
numerous seeds in a jackfruit, which we eat like nuts after boiling them.
Lots of choices, really."
Dianne Jacobs
Thompson Est. 2003
Also http://legaljustice4john.com
The Misdiagnosis of
"Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific
support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide
Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A
Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?"
The material on this site is for informational and educational
purposes only. Please consult with your health care provider for treatment
EMAIL: Truthquest2
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