treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions; SUBJECT: PARASITE CLEANSE http://drclarkstore.com/dr-hulda-clark-parasite-cleanse.html The 3 main ingredients in Dr. Clark's Para-Cleanse include the supremely potent GREEN Black Walnut Hull that has a systemic effect throughout the body whereas the Freshly Ground Encapsulated Cloves and Super Wormwood* act more strongly in the colon. Together the 3 herbs have a synergystic effect for maximum potency. Dr. Clark's Herbal Parasite Cleanse Getting rid of all parasites would be absolutely impossible using clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each. Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Imagine taking 10 such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites! Good news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you. Yet three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea! Without any interference with any drug that you are already on! Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? They are natures gift to us. The herbs are: Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree) These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment. (From: "The Cure for all Cancers", p. 11f.) What you need: Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength Wormwood capsules (200-300mg of wormwood per capsule) Cloves capsules (500mg per capsule) Arginine (500mg per capsule) Ornithine (500mg per capsule) 1) Black Walnut Hull Tincture Take the recommended amount in 1/2 cup of water. Sip it on an empty stomach such as before a meal. Sip it, don't gulp it. Add sweetening and flavoring to help it go down if you have a hard time swallowing it, or stir it into fruit sauce. Get it down within 15 minutes. The maximum dose kills any remaining stages throughout the body, including the bowel contents, a location unreachable by a smaller dose or by electric current. The alcohol in the tincture can make you slightly woozy for several minutes. Simply stay seated until you are comfortable again. You may put the tincture in lukewarm water to help evaporate some of the alcohol, but do not use hot water because that may damage the parasiticide power. Then take niacinamide 500mg to counteract the toxicity of the alcohol. You could also feel a slight nausea for a few minutes. Walk in the fresh air or simply rest until it passes. For a year — Take 2 tsp. Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength once a week. This is to kill any parasite stages you pick up from your family, friends, or pets. Family members and friends should take 2 tsp. every other week to avoid re-infecting you. They may be harboring a few parasite stages in their intestinal tract without having symptoms. But when these stages are transmitted to someone who has had cancer, they immediately seek out the unhealed organ to continue multiplying. You may be wondering why you should wait for five days before taking the large dose. It is for your convenience only. You may have a sensitive stomach or be worried about toxicity or side effects. By the sixth day you will have convinced yourself there is no toxicity or side effect. Going faster — In fact, if you are convinced after the first drop of the restorative powers of the tincture, take the large dose on the very first day. Going slower — On the other hand, if you cringe at the thought
of taking an herb or you are anxious about its safety, continue the drops,
increasing at your own pace, until you are ready to brave the decisive
large dose. 2) Wormwood capsules Take according to the chart below. Take all of the capsules at one time (you may take a few at a time until they are all gone). To be completely free of parasites and stay that way you need to take 7 capsules once a week forever, as it states in the Maintenance Parasite Program. Try not to get interrupted before the 6thday, so you know the adult intestinal flukes are dead. After this, you may proceed more slowly if you wish. Many people with sensitive stomachs prefer to stay longer on each dose instead of increasing according to this schedule. You may choose the pace after the 6th day. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and infants should not take wormwood. For more information about wormwood toxicity go here. 3) Cloves Grocery store ground cloves do not work! They have lost their parasiticide power a long time ago. Buy them fresh from a "green grocery" or health food store. Take according to chart below. 4) Ornithine Start by taking 2 Ornithine capsules at bedtime on the first night. Take 4 the second night. Take 6 at bedtime on the third night. After this take 4 or 6 Ornithine capsules at bedtime every night until you are sleeping soundly. Then stop taking the Ornithine and see if your sleep is as good without it. It is not habit forming. 5) Arginine Taking Ornithine at bedtime may give you so much energy the next day that you don't need to take Arginine in the morning. But, if you are reducing (or eliminating) coffee/caffeine (recommended) and find yourself dragging through the morning, take one Arginine upon rising and another before lunch and supper. It can make you a bit irritable. If this happens reduce the amount you are taking. Arginine and Ornithine do not interfere with medications so there is no need to stop any treatment that a doctor or alternative therapist has started you on, provided it is solvent free. TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE "Chinese Traditional herbal medicine prescriptions are a cocktail of many herbs tailored to the individual patient. One batch of herbs is typically decocted twice over the course of one hour. The practitioner usually designs a remedy using one or two main ingredients that target the illness. Then the practitioner adds many other ingredients to adjust the formula to the patient's yin/yang conditions. Often, ingredients are needed to cancel out toxicity or side-effects of the main ingredients. Some herbs require the use of other ingredients as catalyst or else the brew is ineffective. Unlike western medications, the balance and interaction of all the ingredients are considered more important than the effect of individual ingredients. A key to success in TCM is the treatment of each patient as an individual. Chinese TCM Medicine often incorporates ingredients from all parts of plants, such as the leaf, stem, flower, root, and also ingredients from animals and minerals. For Parasite Cleanses Chinese medicine relies on bitter herbs to stimulate the liver to produce more bile. One theory is that it is the bile that kills intestinal parasites, not the toxic properties of the herbs. The two formulas below target all parasitic worms and will work in the intestine, stomach and all other organs, as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), relies upon the holistic healing approach, which treats the entire body living organism, not just targeting one area." http://www.toolsforhealing.com/cd/Articles/W/WormwoodToxicityInfo.html *Artemisia absinthum Other Common Names: Absinth Sagewort, Absinth Wormwood, Absinthe, Ajenjo, Ajenjo Oficial, Common Wormwood, Feuilles Ameres, Niga-Yomogi, Old Woman, Oldman, Pelin, Wormswood, Artemisia absinthum Range: Britain, Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. Now also in N. Amercia. Habitat: Waste land, rocks and screes. Plants are longer lived, more hardy and more aromatic when they are grown in a poor dry soil. The genus is named Artemisia from Artemis, the Greek name for Diana. In an early translation of the Herbarium of Apuleius we find: "Of these worts that we name Artemisia, it is said that Diana did find them and delivered their powers and leechdom to Chiron the Centaur, who first from these Worts set forth a leechdom, and he named these worts from the name of Diana, Artemis, that is Artemisias." The Common Wormwood held a high reputation in medicine among the Ancients. According to the Ancients, Wormwood counteracted the effects of poisoning by hemlock, toadstools and the biting of the seadragon. The plant was of some importance among the Mexicans, who celebrated their great festival of the Goddess of Salt by a ceremonial dance of women, who wore on their heads garlands of Wormwood. With the exception of Rue, Wormwood is the bitterest herb known, but it is very wholesome and used to be in much request by brewers for use instead of hops. The leaves resist putrefaction, and have been on that account a principal ingredient in antiseptic fomentations. The intensely bitter, tonic and stimulant qualities have caused Wormwood not only to be an ingredient in medicinal preparations, but also to be used in various liqueurs, of which absinthe is the chief, the basis of absinthe being absinthol, extracted from Wormwood. Wormwood, as employed in making this liqueur, bears also the name 'Wermuth' - preserver of the mind - from its medicinal virtues as a nervine and mental restorative. If not taken habitually, it soothes spinal irritability and gives tone to persons of a highly nervous temperament. Suitable allowances of the diluted liqueur will promote salutary perspiration and may be given as a vermifuge. Inferior absinthe is generally adulterated with copper, which produces the characteristic green color. The drug, absinthium, is rarely employed, but it might be of value in nervous diseases such as neurasthenia, as it stimulates the cerebral hemispheres, and is a direct stimulant of the cortex cerebri. When taken to excess it produces giddiness and attacks of epileptiform convulsions. Absinthium occurs in the British Pharmacopoeia in the form of extract, infusion and tincture, and is directed to be extracted also from A. maritima, the Sea Wormwood, which possesses the same virtues in a less degree, and is often more used as a stomachic than the Common Wormwood. Commercially this often goes under the name of Roman Wormwood, though that name really belongs to A. Pontica. Wormwood is a very bitter plant with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. It is valued especially for its tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system, and for its vermicidal activity. It is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and underactive digestion. It increases stomach acid and bile production, improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients. It also eases wind and bloating and, if taken regularly, helps the body return to full vitality after a prolonged illness. The leaves and flowering shoots are anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, carminative, cholagogue, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypnotic, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge. The plant is harvested as it is coming into flower and then dried for later use. Use with caution, the plant should be taken internally in small doses for short-term treatment only, preferably under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. It should not be prescribed for children or pregnant women. See also the notes on toxicity. The extremely bitter leaves are chewed to stimulate the appetite. The bitter taste on the tongue sets off a reflex action, stimulating stomach and other digestive secretions. The leaves have been used with some success in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. The plant is applied externally to bruises and bites. A warm compress has been used to ease sprains and strained muscles. A homeopathic remedy is made from the leaves. It is used to stimulate bile and gastric juice production and to treat disorders of the liver and gall bladder. The fresh or dried shoots are said to repel insects and mice, they have been laid amongst clothing to repel moths and have also been used as a strewing herb. An infusion of the plant is said to discourage slugs and insects. The plant contains substances called sesquiterpene lactones, these are strongly insecticidal. Known Hazards: The plant is poisonous if used in large quantities. Even small quantities have been known to cause nervous disorders, convulsions, insomnia etc. Just the scent of the plant has been known to cause headaches and nervousness in some people. The plant contains thujone. In small quantities this acts as a brain stimulant but is toxic in excess. Absinthe, popular in the nineteenth century in Europe, caused several cases of brain damage and even death and was banned in most places in the early twentieth century. 18 Day Parasite Cleanse Chart
Dianne Jacobs Thompson Est. 2003 Also http://legaljustice4john.com The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?" DISCLAIMER:
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