treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress,
harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions; SUBJECT: SELF-HELP FOR HEALTHSelf-Help
Tragically, many people are looking for a "magic" pill or potion which will absolve them of the sins committed against their own bodies...while allowing them to continue doing so. Internationally-known naturopathic physician, researcher/writer Dr. Richard Schultz, who follows the teachings of phenomenally successful natural healer, the late Dr. John Christopher, has developed an "incurables" program, as have other effective healers. He claims that only 10% of his patients truly have the discipline and commitment to do what it takes to get well, and that he has no sympathy for those unwilling to make the effort required and "kicks" them out of his office. We don't kick people off of this site, but be warned--natural healing occurs the way a tree grows ...slowly, one day at a time. One has to rebuild health step-by-step, in reverse of the way it was broken down. Health and disease never co-exist. If you move towards health, disease regresses, but there are no quick fixes nor magic elixirs, and there is no easy way out of a healing regimen other than giving up. A true healing program is NOT for the faint of heart, nor the lazy, self-indulgent and undisciplined. Self-healing often requires great effort and a tenacious desire to succeed. Sometimes it is too late, but far more often there is hope in cases where "conventional medical wisdom" offers only hopelessness ...after the insurance benefits and one's life savings have been plundered. I've seen miraculous 11th hour recoveries, but I've also seen people throw away opportunities to improve their health rather than give up one single food they liked--no matter how potentially toxic or death-dealing to that individual--or change one bad habit, or experience any additional discomfort in the life-saving but unpleasant procedure of detoxifying their sick bodies as they eliminate stored-up poisons and waste materials. "No pain, no gain" takes on profound significance in a natural healing program. So, if you're looking for "Dr. FeelGood" with a quick fix remedy, this site is not for you. If you want real answers and potentially workable solutions, you've come to the right place. What we don't have yet, we are continually searching for in a quest for truth that remains on-going and ever vigilant. A Summary of Many Programs I spent 21/2 years observing the work of one of the most successful healers in the U.S. (the late Dr. Harold Dick, naturopath, chiropractor, homeopath, iridologist, and certified in acupuncture, which he didn't use, also co-founder of constitutional hydrotherapy). After that I began studying the work of other masters and found that all healing programs have certain features in common. In short--
Getting the Bad Stuff Out: Eliminate the Killers Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances It is imperative to identify food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. As described here, the difference between food allergies and food intolerances is that allergies affect the immune system. They may or may not be curable. Food intolerances on the other hand involve basic body chemistry and the digestive system. You are born with these and will die with them--the problem is identifying them. Many people fail to realize that many of their health problems originate with foods or food groups that poison them on a daily basis. However, diagnosing hidden food intolerances is exceedingly difficult, because the medical profession tests for an entirely different class of allergies. Food intolerances are an underlying problem. Food allergies or sensitivities are secondary and more superficial, except those that are potentially lethal, like allergies to peanuts or shellfish, etc. The O.G. Carroll Food Intolerance Test is the most specific, and it also identifies primary tissue salt deficiencies, but only a handful of naturopathic physicians have been privately trained to do the test and their results are not always consistent with each other. More general, Dr. D' Adamo's blood type diets cover the same problem, but lack the bull's eye specifics that the above-mentioned blood test provides. There is some new information out there, and instructions on self-testing through kinesiology (muscle-response), provided in the member area of this site. Bad Acid-Forming Diet Unless you are unusually physically active, you need to be eating 20% acid-forming foods. That's your proteins, fats, grains, sugars, etc. And 80% alkaline-forming foods. That's your fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. Even though we think of foods like lemons, limes, apple-cidar vinegar and the like as "acid foods" they are in fact alkaline-forming after digestion. Your body has certain pH levels, and the saliva should test out (using saliva litmus test paper from such brand names as Hyperion) around 7.4 which protects the body from most disease conditions, including cancer which requires a more acidic tissue environment. Bad Food Combining Certain foods should and should not be eaten together or with other foods. Bad Foods/Chemicals/Drugs/Toxins in General There are certain foods and substances that must be eliminated from a healing diet:
Bad Fats Any and all man-made hydrogenated and semi-hydrogenated oils (margarine, solid fats like "Crisco," fats added to everything from peanut butter to chips) are flat out killers. They saturate cells and suffocate them, as well as destroying the electrical charge that attracts oxygen to each living cell. Cells mistake hydrogenated oils for essential fatty acids needed for life and health, and largely missing from any diet lacking in EFA oils in the form of flax seed oil, fish oil, etc. These oils are perishable and never added to commercial foods--they make up the greatest nutritional deficiency Americans face, followed close after by mineral deficiencies. Pork Avoid swine in any form. The Biblical admonitions against swine turn out to be scientifically correct. This animal is a scavenger--a garbage eater--with a 4 hour digestive system that doesn't refine food properly for human consumption. It is parasite-riddled and has such a crude system of elimination that toxins simply squirt out of an elimination organ between its "toes." No matter how tasty, the "other white meat" has killer properties and was never intended as a food source. Imagine eating buzzard meat after it has dined sumptuously on rotting, putrid road kill. It would probably be safer to eat the bird. Homogenized, Pasteurized Cow's Milk Aside from being a food fit only for baby cows with a molecular structure far too large for human babies, milk itself is a food designed only for that period of rapid growth that follows birth, through infancy. After that, as a fuel food it burns too "hot" for human consumption. Animals wean themselves or their young at the proper time. Man is the only creature in the animal kindom that refuses to be weaned. Babies need mother's milk, especially for the immunities produced by the first milk--colostrum. In the absence of mother's milk, the age-old appropriate substitute has been raw goat's milk, which can be hard to come by since raw goat's milk can't be sold, legally. (We had to work out a barter arangement to get it when we needed it.) Homogenizing milk encases a milk enzyme with fat that eludes breakdown in normal digestion. These enzymes then gain free access to the cardiovascular system where they can nip bites out of arterial walls, making holes and the necessity of the body walling off the damaged area with cholestral patches--not good when they narrow and obstruct the blood circulation system. Look up the "XO factor." Homogenized milk has been linked to many other factors, including breast cancer. Pasteuring the milk heats it to a degree that makes the calcium bio-unavailable. It then requires existing calcium stripped from internal sources to neutralize the now acidic, calcium-deficient food into something less harmful. This leeching of calcium contributes to osteoporosis and other conditions. Parasite Cleanse Organs of Elimination Cleanse Programs (bowel, kidney, gallbladder) Enemas and Colonics Detox Programs Fasting and Partial Fasting for Health Mental and Spiritual Cleanse (More will be added--this site is still under construction.) Putting Good Stuff In Bad Soil Needs Organic Fertilizer Our commercial soils have been played out for the last 100 years and longer, so unless food is grown organically, you aren't getting what you need from even the best diet. And forget S.A.D--the "Standard American Diet" unless you want to die. It will and does kill people who rely on it. We are designed to live 120 years in full and abundant health and to simply wear out and die peacefully of extreme old age. There are some isolated pockets of civilization that still do so, as long as they aren't corrupted by "white man's food" and lifestyle. One thing these communities seem to have in common is mineral rich glacier-fed waters that replenish their soils, unpoluted sunlight along with continued outdoor physical labor and the absence of "modern day" stresses. Think mostly raw "vegetarian" diet and supplements, supplements, supplements It's almost impossible to get your needed nutrients from today's foods. Everyone needs SUPERFOODS from organically grown whole food sources. Forget vitamin pills. They are highly concentrated and in unnatural, hard-to-digest form. Vitamins in food act synergistically in combination with other elements in the foods they occur in. That doesn't happen in pill form, and can result in drug-like reactions that through the body out of balance. Besides that, vitamins are formed through plant photosynthesis with sunlight and water and are much more plentiful in normal whole foods. It's the minerals we are missing in raw foods that need replenishment, and the live enzymes missing in cooked foods. Every health food store has some type of green superfood, including Dr. Rubin's new "Garden of Life" product line with Perfect Food, the numerous wheat or barley grass mixes, products like SeaSilver (our favorite because of the delicious taste and ease of getting children to take) or Dr. Joel Wallach's super products, etc. (Links to online sources in member area.) Juicing raw foods is a must. The main components of Dr. Lorraine Day's cancer healing diet was juiced carrots with superfood added. We do carrot and celery juice, with a little raw beet juice powder added and take green superfoods in gel capsules with it. High protein low carb metabolizers might have a problem with carrot juice and fare better with juiced spinach, etc. The great Anne Wigmore's "Banned In Boston Soup" consisted of home sprouted wheatgrass or barley grass juiced whole in a blender (the sprout has 10 times the nutritional value as the grown plant). Super nutrients...you need them. B vitamins seem to be a particular problem and hard to absorb in regular supplement form. Brewer's or nutritional yeast, and spirulina (blue-green algae) are reportedly the best sources of absorbable B vitamins. Part of the B vitamin shortage reportedly stems from the epidemic state of low thyroid, which interferes with B absorption or assimilation. B vitamins, among other things, normally neutralize a by-product of protein metabolism that then without sufficient B run rampant through the bloodstream and cause coronary artery damage--the greatest killer disease we face. Supplement B and take care of your thyroid with iodine, thyroid glandulars, and whatever else you can do for it. Vitamin C supplementation is often advised. Forget abscorbic acid. This is a laboratory-made chemical product. Even though the chemical composition is the same, the energy fields differ and the body knows the difference. Synthetic C is reported to be particularly hard on the all-important adrenals and other hormone-producing organs. High C foods or products like rose hip supplements make a world of difference in C supplementation. Essential Fatty Acids/Good Oils We don't get them in the standard American diet and we need them to survive. Ground flax seed or fresh flax seed oil taken with high sulfer content proteins such as cottage cheese or tofu (soy) to make the oil absorbable in the human body (MSM--sulfur itself might do the job), fish oil, primrose oil--there are several good sources of omega 3 oils, and we need to supplement with at least one source...or die. Raw, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil helps clean out arteries and has other benefits. Organically grown virgin coconut oil also has healthful properties. Most other oils and fats should be avoided, except those occuring naturally in foods such as avacodos. However, certain populations of the world eat much "saturated" fat--from animals and show little sign of the cardiovascular/heart problems blamed on saturated fats. Man-made hydrogenated fats are far more dangerous. Glandulars Tissue Salts (Schussler Cell Salts Bio-Plasma, all 12 in one) MSM Km--Potassium Supplement Digestive Aides: hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, bromeline, pancreative enzymes Alkalize or Die Exercise: walk, walk, walk or something Emotional Freedom Technique Bach Flower Remedies Metabolic Typing for Diet Blood Type Diet Celtic Sea Salt or "Real Salt"--natural, unprocessed, mineral-rich salt Probiotics (rebuild intestinal flora) Mushroom Tea Prayer and Peacefulness (More Coming) Jump-Starting the Immune System Constitutional Hydrotherapy at Home Mushroom Mix (Garden of Life) (Much, much more to come) Dianne Jacobs Thompson Est. 2003 Also http://legaljustice4john.com The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?" DISCLAIMER:
The material on this site is for informational and educational
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