"For some reason modern medicine has itself turned a corner and entered a darkness and is now committing crimes against humanity unequalled
in the history of our race."
--Dr. Mark Sircus
Alternative Cancer Treatments

1979 Around January of that year, I went home to die.   ..cont. 
I was diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer, chronic bronchitis, acutely infected ovarian cysts, arthritis, sciatica, low thyroid, anemia and a heart condition. Besides that I had chronic ear infections and long-standing clinical depression. The late Dr. Harold Dick, N.D., known as a "naturopathic oncology pioneer" cured me in 5 weeks. It required the diagnosis (the Carroll Food Test) of digestive enzyme deficiency food intolerances which most people have and few know about, and it also identified the primary tissue salt deficiency, along with treatment with glandular protomorphogens to restore glandular health, and Constitutional Hydrotherapy to bring about detoxification, to stimulate blood circulation and the activity of the vital organs and to jump-start the immune system. It turned out to be the basic foundation of the most successful healing system I've ever witnessed.
1986 My 5-year-old daughter was forcibly vaccinated and immediately developed a flesh-eating infection so virulent that my husband and I became infected from contact. Naturopathic medicine brought us back from the brink.
Later that year we were introduced to escharotic cancer salves and treated a dog tumor, my husband's cirrhosis of the liver, various skin lesions, moles, fungal infections, and a lump in my thigh. It eventually helped clear up the remaining symptoms from my husband's flesh-eating infection after he was forced to submit to antibiotic treatment which made a mess of it. There was much more, gallbladder problems in 1999, adrenal deficiency 2001, injury in 2002, arthritis, diabetes, and other issues between 2003-2012, including glaucoma--cured.

This is why I research and write about alternative medicine. It's a debt.

Please help support this website by purchasing hand-fired glass beads and jewelry at nitabeads1 to assist in covering the costs of books, reports, & articles needed for continuing research.







*Alternative treatments for cancer, chronic-degerative disease, infection, stress, harmful emotions and other disorders and conditions;
*Information about junk science and bad medicine, including unsafe and ineffective vaccines and undiagnosed medical conditions mimicking child abuse and Shaken Baby Syndrome;

Natural Healing Information
This site provides starting points. The rest of the journey must be yours.

"Truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor applause, 
bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing"

  • Getting a vaccination does not guarantee immunity. (~CDC, January 28, 1994.)
  • "Neutralizing antibodies are reported to reflect levels of protection, although this has not been validated in the field." (~Journal of the American Medical Association, June 9, 1999, Vol. 281. No. 22)
  • Vaccines made from animal substrate contain animal viruses that are impossible to filter out. By 1961, scientists discovered that animal viruses in vaccines, including smallpox, could act as a carcinogen when given to mice in combination with cancer-causing chemicals, even in amounts too small to induce tumors alone. They concluded that vaccine viruses function as a catalyst for tumor production. (~Science, December 15, 1961.)
  • By the 1920s, several British medical researchers documented that smallpox was not only more common among the VACCINATED, but that the DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among those who had been vaccinated. This indicates that the vaccine was ineffective and predisposed vaccinated persons to more lethal disease. (~Vaccination, Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australia, 1993, pp. 205-220.)

    Recent information on the failure of artifically-induced antibody titer from vaccination to create actual immunity, and extreme vaccination dangers to susceptible infants:

compiled by Hilary Butler

"Expert" Believes Infants Can Tolerate 10,000 Vaccines
By Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Addressing Parents' Concerns

"Do Multiple Vaccines Overwhelm or Weaken the Infant's Immune System"
By Dr. Paul Offit, et. al.
Pediatrics, Vol. 109 No. 1, Jan. 2002

Summary of the Recent Pediatrics article:

One hundred years ago, children received 1 vaccine (the smallpox vaccine). Forty years ago, children received 5 vaccines routinely (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and smallpox vaccines) and as many as 8 shots by 2 years of age. Today, children receive 11 vaccines routinely and as many as 20 shots by 2 years of age.

Recent national surveys show that about 25% of the parents are waking up and questioning if all these shots are necessary of if the vaccines might actually weaken the immune system.

Dr. Offit attempts to explain the effect of vaccines on the infant's immune system and the capacity of the immune system to respond safely to multiple vaccines.

Passively Acquired Immunity

The neonate is, in part, protected against disease by maternal immunoglobulins (Ig). Maternal IgG is transported across the placenta before birth and maternal secretory IgA is present in breast milk and colostrum. These passively acquired antibodies provide protection against pathogens to which the mother was immune.

Dr. Offit states that maternal antibodies offer limited and short-term immunologic protection when compared with protection afforded by an infant's active immune response.

Dr. Offit then goes on to explain that a young infant is fully capable of generating protective humoral and cellular immune responses to multiple vaccines simultaneously. He then uses some physiological immune facts to come to the outrageous conclusion that an infant would have the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10, 000 vaccines at any one time, and then goes on to say that this is a conservative estimate!

Dr. Tenpenny's Response to Above Article:

It always amazes me when highly respected journals such as Pediatrics are willing to publish articles such as this. And what is even more amazing is that the people who write this information call themselves "physicians" and "scientists."

Passive protection conveyed by the mother is dismissed as less effective than a vaccine.

However, much research clearly documents that more protection is conferred through breast milk than through artificially-induced antibodies. Breast milk contains large quantities of secretory IgA, lysozyme-secreting macrophages, and both T- and B-lymphocytes. The lymphocytes release of gamma interferon, migration inhibition factors and monocyte chemotatic factors, all of which strengthen the intrinsic immune response of the infant. [1]

In addition, the protection provided by breast milk is not short-lived. There is evidence that the enhanced protection it provides lasts for years.[2] In addition, concentrations of antibodies found at six weeks of lactation are the same levels as those at six months, so any amount of breast-feeding contributes to immune enhancement. [3]

Children less than 2 years of age are considered to be more susceptible to infections by H. influenza type b and Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium, both major causes of otitis media and invasive bacterial diseases. Although the infant's immune system may be less capable of "mounting a response" to the polysaccharide cell walls of the bacteria than an adult's immune system, infection can again be offset by breast milk.

Components within the milk have been found to inhibit both colonization and tissue adherence. [4,5] The premise that conjugate vaccines are essential for the protection of an infant omits this important fact.

Vaccine-specific antibody protection is considered to be the cornerstone of vaccination success. In all studies published on vaccines, "efficacy" is considered to be the development antibodies. When vaccines are given together, the combination is considered "effective" if both antigens generate an antibody response at least equal to the response seen if a single antigen vaccine is given alone.

However, is this an antibody response a valid presumption of disease protection?

Even experts in the field admit that they don't know. During a discussion regarding the approval of yet another acellular pertussis vaccine, a panel member said,

"…A basic question is: Is antibody correlated with protection? In the year 2000, we don't really know which antibodies protect, let alone exactly what level of an antibody protects." Another panelist went on to say, "The protective mechanisms [of the immune system] are not understood. Is it antibody or is it cell mediated or some assessment of memory that can occur in response to infection?" [6]

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) discloses this regarding the pertussis vaccine, "The findings of efficacy studies have not demonstrated a direct correlation between antibody response and protection against pertussis disease."

Antibody studies are only useful to compare immune responses elicited between similar vaccines. Efficacy studies to measure clinical protection conferred by each pertussis vaccine have not been done. [7]

Therefore, antibodies apparently mean nothing.

The H. flu vaccine has been found to have high avidity in vitro. This means that there is a high affinity of attachment between the antigen and the antibody. However, "the contribution [of this] to clinical protection is unknown." [8]

Again, "efficacy" as defined by the development of antibodies apparently means nothing in relation to disease protection. Therefore, using the antigen binding capacity of the immune system and its ability to create an antibody response as a measure of safety, also means nothing.

The concept that 10,000 antigens could theoretically be deposited uneventfully into the blood stream of either an infant or an adult defies logic and is a blatant disregard for mechanisms of human physiology.

By injecting a vaccine into the body, the first four lines of normal immune defense are by-passed:

* Skin,
* Mucous membranes,
* Gut lymphoid tissue and
* Lymphatic neutralization

This abnormal introduction of pathogens and adjuvants into the blood stream does not "trick" the immune system: it contaminates it.

And contaminate it we do. Children now receive 52 vaccines, in the form of 15 shots, buy the time they are 6 months of age if they receive all the recommend shots, including the Prevnar® (the pediatric pneumonia shot.) That is because each viral or bacterial particle contained in the vaccine elicits an immune response.

So, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines are three separate vaccines. The injectable polio vaccine (IPV) contains three strains of polio, thus it is three vaccines. And this overwhelming amount of biological material does not include the adjuvants, which can included MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, sucrose and phenoxyethanol, which is antifreeze, among many others.

The potential for disaster looms as multiple live and attenuated viruses are combined during multiple vaccinations on the same day. In a study reported in Science Magazine, two avirulent herpes viruses were simultaneously injected in the footpads of mice. Many (62%) of the mice that had received equal doses of each virus died while none died that had received up to 100 times the diluted dose of just one virus.

Eleven recombinant viruses were isolated from the dead mice. Three of these isolates were lethal when injected into the next set of mice. This study demonstrates that in vivo, two avirulent viruses can recombine with deadly results. [9] If two vaccine antigens can cause a serious outcome when given simultaneously, then what about "only 123-126"? Or 10,000?

Once again, a "ground breaking" medical study has drawn media attention by posting conclusions that are not supported by facts. Stating that an infant has a large capacity to respond to antigens, i.e. create an antibody response, does nothing to allay reasonable fears and doubts by investigative parents.

Any "thinking doctor" should recognize this "study" for what it is: another opportunity to spread the mantra of "safe and effective" vaccines. Perhaps in this way we won't question the more than 200 vaccines that are currently in development or resist the more than 20 that are anticipated to become part of the childhood vaccination schedule by 2010.

A "thinking parent" might conclude that, "if the immune system is that strong, why do we need to vaccinate at all?


  1. Scientific American, December 1995; Volume 273; No. 6, Page 76
  2. Hanson, -L-A. Ann.All.Asth Imm.1998 Dec; 81(6):523-33
  3. Pichichero, M.E, et. al. J.Infect.Dis. 1980 Nov; 142(5); 694-8.
  4. Hokama,-T, et. al. Pediatr-Int. 1999 Jun; 41(3): 277-80
  5. Hanson, LA. Acta-Paediatr-Jpn. 1994 Oct; 36(5): 557-61
  6. Transcript of Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting, Friday, November 3, 2000, p. 107, 120.
  7. MMWR March 28, 1997/Vol. 46/No. RR-7, pg. 4
  8. 2002 Physician's Desk Reference, HibTITER, p. 1860.
  9. Javier RT, Searati, F., Stevens, JB. Science 1986 Nov. 7;234(4777):746-8.
  10. NEXT: How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain

Dianne Jacobs Thompson  Est. 2003
Also http://legaljustice4john.com
The Misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" --an unproven theory without scientific support, now in disrepute and wreaking legal and medical havoc world-wide
Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?"

DISCLAIMER: The material on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Please consult with your health care provider for treatment advice.

EMAIL: Truthquest2

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