"Neutralizing antibodies are reported
to reflect levels of protection, although this has not been validated
in the field." (~Journal of the American Medical
Association, June 9, 1999, Vol. 281. No. 22)
The Medical Terror of Vaccinations
From: Educating Instead
of Medicating
Free CureZone Newsletter Jan 17 2004
In the last 30
years, the increase in vaccine shots has
coincided with childhood cancers rising to become the #1 disease
from which children under the age of 14 are dying.
"My daughter Lyla
Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of five weeks, shortly
after receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine booster shot."
The following comments
are intended to be a heads-up to parents and potential parents about
the risks of the Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV)
"My suspicion, which
is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS
deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one
or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis
vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more
of the others."
Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Government Database of Vaccine-Damaged Children
The nurse rushed Brandon
out of the room and down the hall in search of help. After an hour,
bed-bound by the lingering effects of an epidural, Jack faced the
news alone: Little more than an hour after receiving the hepatitis
B vaccination, her baby was dead.
What would happen if we
stopped vaccinating?
Would lives be lost, saved or no change?
In 1975, when Japan stopped
vaccinating children under the age of 2 years dramatic improvements
in their infant mortality occurred.
Compounds Found in Vaccines
"The vast majority
of published studies of vaccine reactions included a follow-up of
up to only 48 hours. This conveniently excludes about 90% of reactions
to vaccination. Characteristically, most vaccine reactions are delayed,
many starting only 2-3 weeks after vaccination."
Offer to U.S.-licensed medical doctors
A study of mercury levels
in the baby hair of children who were later diagnosed with autism
has produced startling results. The babies had far lower levels of
mercury in their hair than other infants, leading to speculation that
autistic children either do not absorb mercury or, more likely, cannot
excrete it.
Vaccine Not Effective
Of the 1,000 people who
got the vaccine before November 1, 149 went on to develop influenza-like
illness (14.9 percent). Of the 402 people who did not get the vaccine,
68 got an influenza-like illness (16.9 percent), the study said.
"I am the mother of
a 2-year-old with autism. His symptoms began almost immediately following
his series of immunizations at 14 months ( 9 diseases were introduced
into his tiny body that day -- measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria,
pertussis, tetanus, polio, varicella, and Hib). Our lives have literally
been turned upside down by the fact that our son who was healthy previous
to his immunizations now has asthma, celiac disease, and autism. They
can always claim that my son’s autism was inborn,
though he developed NORMALLY for the first 14 months of life!"
Action for Ending Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders
* FMS/CFS: Jennifer's
* Her baby was dead
* Kidney failure, seizures, vision loss,exhaustion, serum sickness
* THE GLASS CAGE: Hepatitis B & ME/CFS
* Respiratory distress reaction after Hepatitis B vaccine
* Hepatitis B Shot & Chronic inflammatory Demylenating Polyneuropathy
* Crohn's Disease after hepatitis B shot
* MS and hepatitis B vaccine
* Spastic quadriparetic cerebral palsy with microcephaly, cortical
* Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, possible MS
* Mentally, physically, and personality wise Robert is a different
* Lupus after receiving the hepatitis B vaccination
* Rheumatic fever & A.L.L. leukemia After second shot
* The day after vaccination I was very ill
* Autoimmune adverse reaction to Hepatitis B vaccine
* She just passed out after the second shot
* Auto-immune disease with joint & muscle pain
* Grand Mal seizures
* Seizures & itchy rash
"If an average 5 kg-infant
received all thimerosal-containing vaccines at his two-month visit,
his exposure that day would be 62.5 mcg ethyl mercury--125 times as
great as the EPA guideline."
"Repeated, vaccination
exhausts the immune system. It gives a false sense of security and,
in doing so, it opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses."
Guylaine Lanctot, M.D
"Doctors are the priests
who dispense holy water in the form of inoculations to ritually initiate
our loyalty into the larger medical industry."
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn
It is pathetic and ludicrous
to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of
the population was ever vaccinated.
Dr. Glen Dettman
The medical authorities
keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system.
It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are changing our genetic
code through vaccination.
Guylaine Lanctot M.D.
It is actually normal for
a properly nourished and nurtured child to grow up in good health,
and when there is no administration of toxic substances, as in non-vaccinated
children, the children tend to remain healthy.
"What is surprising
is that the appropriate animal and laboratory testing was not done
on the vaccines containing thimerosal (and aluminum) before the government
embarked on a mandated vaccine program that exposed infants to the
levels of thimerosal that occurred."
Boyd E. Haley, PhD
"Every day new parents
are ringing us. They all have the same tragic story. Healthy baby,
child, teenager, usually a boy, given the DPT or DT, or MMR booster
followed by a sudden fall or slow, but steady decline into autism
or other spectrums disorder."
The Hope Project (Ireland)
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Vaccination Medical References